Latin AmericaLiberalismLiberation theologyDefinition The Roman Catholic church is the world's largest Christian church with about 1.2 billion adherents. It is hierarchical and led by the bishop of Rome, the pope, who is the chief bishop in a church ordered in some 2800 dioceses led by local ...
This article brings these two historiographies together by showing the importance of the war for the Catholic Church in America as well as the significance of religious belief for how many Americans understood the conflict. In particular, providentialist interpretations of the...
And in Latin America Pentecostalism has shattered theRoman Catholic Church's monopoly. 在拉美,五旬节信仰已经打破了罗马天主教会(RomanCatholicChurch)的垄断. 互联网 He was admitted into theRoman Catholic Churchin 1974. 1974年,他被允许进入罗马天主教堂. ...
7.And in Latin America Pentecostalism has shattered the Roman Catholic Church's monopoly. 在拉美,五旬节信仰已经打破了罗马天主教会(RomanCatholicChurch)的垄断. 8.He was admitted into the Roman Catholic Church in 1974. 1974年,他被允许进入罗马天主教堂. ...
The meaning of ROMAN CATHOLIC is a member of the Roman Catholic Church. How to use Roman Catholic in a sentence.
: the faith, doctrine, or polity of the Roman Catholic Church Word History First Known Use 1662, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of Roman Catholicism was in 1662 See more words from the same year
And in Latin America Pentecostalism has shattered theRoman CatholicChurch's monopoly. 在拉美,五旬节信仰已经打破了罗马天主教会(RomanCatholicChurch)的垄断. 互联网 展开全部 英英释义 Noun 1. a member of the Roman Catholic Church 2. the Christian Church based in the Vatican and presided over by a ...
Roman Catholic Church, the name usually given to that organization of Christians which recognizes the Roman pope as its visible head and is in ecclesiastical communion with him. The name may be found in a number of Roman Catholic writers, and is generally used in the constitution of those ...
(in the Roman Catholic Church)formal admission of one's sins to a priest(指天主教)向神父忏悔;告罪;告解 The largest group of religious, "parochial", schools in America is run by the Roman Catholic Church美国最大的教会学校集团,也就是所谓“教区附属学校”,是由罗马天主教会兴办的。1...
Roman Catholic是什么意思 adj. 天主教会的; Roman Catholic英英释义 noun a member of the Roman Catholic Church adjective of, relating to, or being a Christian church having a hierarchy of priests and bishops under the pope, a liturgy centered in the Mass, veneration of the Virgin Mary and sain...