Town Defences in Roman Britain G.Cambridge University PressAntiquity
ffffff;">New Roman'">Everyone has a family name. But do you know how they come about? A British writer called David tell us something about the family names in his new book.New Roman'">He shows that in Britain some family names come from places like Warwick, a town in Warwickshire....
Fulford, M.G. 1982 : Town and country in Roman Britain – a parasitical relationship? In Miles, D. (ed.), The Romano-British Countryside. Studies in Rural Settlement and Economy ( Oxford , BAR Brit. Ser. 103), 403 – 419 .
The name of every British town and city, however, has a long history. Two thousand years ago, most people living in Britain were Celts. Even the word "Britain" is Celtic. Then the Romans arrived and built camps which became cities called "castra". This is why there are so many place ...
For a modern parallel, see the November 1985 eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano in Tolima, Colombia, and the burial of the town of Armero by a series of lahars or volcanic mudslides. Roman Brothel Toilet The Lupanaro is the famous well-preserved brothel in Pompeii, the name referrin...
To assist the reader, current English place names have normally been used. This essay considers the role of II Legion from AD 43 to 45 and its part in the Roman invasion of Britain. Its strategic objective was to subdue Southern England. Its legate was Titus Flavius Vespasian [born 17/11...
theater and an amphitheater whose earthwork remains can be viewed to the west of town; there’s a snatch of Roman wall in the Abbey grounds, too: surprisingly scant reminders of what became the second-largest city in Roman Britain and the capital of the late Roman province ofBritannia Prima...
Location: Scotland, United Kingdom, Britain and Ireland, Europe View on OpenStreetMapLatitude55.79654° or 55° 47' 48" north Longitude-4.02597° or 4° 1' 34" west Open Location Code9C7QQXWF+JJ OpenStreetMap IDnode 297401747 OpenStreetMap Featurehistoric=archaeologica...
lead curator of the British Museum’s current exhibition,Legion, which spotlights the everyday life of Roman soldiers, showcasing many finds from Hadrian’s Wall in the process. A tenth of the Roman army was based in Britain, and that makes the wall a great source of military material, he...
Type: Memorial Description: war memorial clock tower in Romanby, North Yorkshire, England, UK Categories: war memorial, clock tower and historic site Location: Romanby, Hambleton, North Yorkshire, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom, Britain and Ireland, Europe View on OpenStreetMap...