Greek and Roman names of heroes, villains, goddesses, monsters and mythical creatures in classical Roman and Greek mythology. Chart providing details of the differences, similarities and a comparison between Greek and Roman Gods and mythology. The principle Roman and Greek Gods and Goddesses included...
View onto the Colosseum and the Basilica of Emperor Maxentius Wild beasts at the Colosseum – Venationes Comparison of ancient Roman Pompeii and modern society Contact us Cookie Policy Disclaimer galeria Gods Ancient Roman Images of Ancient Rome ...
The Roman goddess of love was Venus, assisted by her son Cupid who’s arrows induced desire. Contrary to common belief, the Roman Venus was not a simple adaptation of the Greek Aphrodite.
It is, need I say, a chronogram, a text that additionally encodes a date by including letters that can also serve as numbers totalling up to a significant date. This can’t be done in English, which uses Roman script but not Roman numerals, but can be done in Latin (and Greek, Hebr...
He never lost a battle, and is seen as one of the best military commanders in all of world history. Scipio’s arch rival, Hannibal of Carthage, once described him as a commander who was beyond any comparison. Scipio’s popularity and charisma also had a profound impact on Roman culture....
comparison to others, theirs are the best preserved in both quality and quantity and have not been destroyed over the ages. In fact, a lot of information about the Greek sculptures has been gained from the Roman copies of Greek sculptures as the originals have been lost or damaged over time...
“When all that belonged to man had been carried away from Veii, they began to remove from the temples the votive gifts that had been made to the gods, and then the gods themselves; but this they did as worshippers rather than as plunderers. The deportation of Queen Juno to Rome was ...
the etymology of the word Orgy – which in its earliest sense signified secret rites to certain gods within Greek or Roman civilisations. In modern days it has come to mean a form of licentious activity. moral attitudes in ancient rome: there was a strict sense ofmorality in ancient Romebut...
Clearly, religious rites and ceremonies had to be held either according to specific events or at regular intervals through time. This meant that a calendar had to be compiled so that the festivities might be clearly laid out and kept to. ...
Roman Religion towards the end of the Empire and the shift to Christianity Thinking of the Middle Ages and multitudes of Gods I cynically compare the ancient Roman’s habit of going to this or that god according to requirement to the later Roman Catholics who turned to this or that saint (...