在Vite中使用rollup-plugin-obfuscator进行代码混淆,主要是在构建(build)阶段进行配置。以下是根据您的提示,分步骤说明如何在Vite项目中配置rollup-plugin-obfuscator: 1. 确定Vite构建配置文件的位置 Vite的构建配置文件通常是项目根目录下的vite.config.ts或vite.config.js文件。 2. 安装rollup-plugin-obfuscator 首先,...
My vite.config.js looks like this: `import obfuscator from 'rollup-plugin-obfuscator'; import postcss from 'rollup-plugin-postcss'; export default { build: { sourcemap: false, rollupOptions : { plugins : [ postcss({ modules: { generateScopedName: "[hash:base64:8]", }, autoModules: true...
javascript-obfuscator is installed separately from the rollup plugin, so it will always be updatable (unlike the official rollup plugin which has been outdated for years!) You can decide if you prefer to apply obfuscation: the traditional way, to the whole bundle ...