// 入口 output: { file:'./dist/bundle.js', // 出口 format: 'es', }, plugins: [ commonjs({ include: /node_modules/ }), json(), resolve() ], }
eslint({throwOnError:true,throwOnWarning:true,include:['src/**'],exclude:['node_modules/**']}) 然后建立.eslintrc.js来根据自己风格配置具体检测: module.exports={"env":{"browser":true,"es6":true,"node":true},"extends":"eslint:recommended","globals":{"Atomics":"readonly","SharedArray...
如果我们全局安装了rollup,命令行执行操作会使用全局rollup,如果想使用项目内的,执行node\_modules下的: ./node_modules/.bin/rollup -c rollup.config.js --pluginjson 配置文件 rollup不光可以打包一个文件,也可以打包多种,我们看下vue3打包出的种类如下,配置文件中导出数组形式即可 代码语言:txt 复制 默认 根...
options.modulesDir (='node_modules') The folder in which to search for the node modules. Read the modules from thepackage.jsonfile instead of thenode_modulesfolder. Example varexternal=require('@yelo/rollup-node-external');...module.exports={...external:external({// this WILL include `jque...
include: ["src/**"], exclude: ["node_modules/**"], }), ], ignore: ["node_modules/**",//忽略目录], }; package.json增加 build脚本命名: "scripts": {"build": "rollup -c rollup.config.js", }, 执行npm run build,即可生成构建后的sdrv.js。中间因为缺失依赖报错,请安装依赖。
import babel from '@rollup/plugin-babel'; // 导入babel{...// 使用插件plugins: [babel({exclude: 'node_modules/**', // 防止打包node_modules下的文件babelHelpers: 'runtime', // 使plugin-transform-runtime生效// 使用预设presets: [['@babel/preset-env', {"modules": false,"useBuiltIns":...
include: 'src/**', exclude: ['node_modules/**', 'dist/**'], }), babel({ babelrc: false, presets: [['env', {modules: false, loose: true}]], include: ['src/**', 'test/**'], plugins: ['external-helpers'], runtimeHelpers: true ...
nodeResolve({ jsnext:true, main:true }), commonjs({ //non-CommonJS modules will be ignored, but you can also //specifically include/exclude files include:'node_modules/**',//Default: undefined exclude:['node_modules/foo/**','node_modules/bar/**'],//Default: undefined ...
BREAKING CHANGE: webpack < 5 used to include polyfills for node.js core modules by default. This is no longer the case. Verify if you need this module and configure a polyfill for it. If you want to include a polyfill, you need to: ...
"node_modules" ], "include": [ "./src/**/*" ] // 指定ts编译目录 } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 使用webpackage打包ts代码 npm init -y # 项目初始化,生成package.json ...