The Rolls-Royce Trent XWB Pilot Guide app is an interactive reference tool for the world's most efficient large aero-engine. The app brings together educational material and real engine characteristic data to allow an airline pilot to understand the engine that delivers the power for the Airbus ...
How to kick-start your career at Rolls-Royce Our stories 18 December 2024 Rolls-Royce holds successful F130 engine Critical... Press releases 13 December 2024 Inspiring the engineers of tomorrow Our stories 13 December 2024 Reaching new heights with the Trent XWB-84... Our stories 3 Decem...
Rolls-Royce holds successful F130 engine Critical... Press releases 13 December 2024 Inspiring the engineers of tomorrow Our stories 13 December 2024 Reaching new heights with the Trent XWB-84... Our stories 3 December 2024 Over 100 jobs created as Minister for Defence... ...
Rolls-Royce has secured an order for Trent 7000 engines to power 40 Airbus A330neo aircraft from Emirates. The order includes Rolls-Royce’s flagship TotalCare long term service support. Emirates has also ordered 30 Airbus A350 aircraft, powered by the Trent XWB, also to be covered by Total...
Rolls-Royce Aircraft Engines, Rolls-Royce, Trent 1000, Trent engines, Trent XWBRolls-Royce sets out ambitious vision to future-proof its business Subscription Required By Gordon Smith November 29, 2023, © Leeham News: Rolls-Royce’s (RR) capital markets day presented a business that has book...
Rolls-Royce has unveiled its all-new RB3025 engine concept for the 777X, responding to the airframer's 2011 request for information issued to itself, GE and Pratt & Whitney for Boeing's conceptual widebody. "Boeing asked the three engine [manufacturers] what we could do in terms of product...
劳斯莱斯航空发动机 Rolls Royce Trent XWB Aircraft Engine Production 35 -- 1:23 App The GE9X Journey - From Engine Testing to Certification 1.5万 18 2:58 App 动画演示:飞机航空发动机工作原理 140 -- 3:54 App 参观:世界三大"航空发动机"生产商《劳斯莱斯工厂》(中字)1 1410 -- 1:48 App 碳纤...
Rolls-Royce has used additive layer manufacturing (ALM) to construct a 1.5 m-diameter titanium front bearing housing (FBH) which is held inside a Rolls-Royce Trent XWB-97 engine. The construction of the bearing marks the first time ALM has been used to produce such a significant load ...
UltraFan, which is 10% more efficient than Rolls-Royce’s current Trent XWB, features several new technologies. These include the ALECSys (Advanced Low Emissions Combustion System), Advance3 engine core, the Advanced Low Pressure System (ALPS) and the Power Gearbox. The engine als...
UK engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce has three strands that guide its current development activities: the evolution of the gas turbine; research of “radical alternatives” such as electrification; and improving integration between the engine, airframe and its systems. On top of this, the company conti...