Rolls-Royce Spectre Introducing the marque’s first fully electric car — cominng now in mexico. Provenance A pre-owned Rolls-Royce features the same unrivalled attention to detail as a motor car leaving Goodwood today. Search for a pre-owned Rolls-Royce with Provenance. WHISPERS Whispers ...
Rolls-Royce Black Badge Ghost Series II: A Daring Expression of Luxury and Power Rolls-Royce presents a daring and powerful new expression of Black Badge Ghost, the most agile,… Rolls-Royce Spectre Lunaflair: Chromatic Majesty From Goodwood to New York: Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Unveils Private ...
Rolls-Royce's first EV is a spectacular one, and proof that even the world’s most luxurious cars are capable of eco-friendly motoring.
早在去年,劳斯莱斯就发布了旗下的首款纯电跑车Rolls-Royce Spectre(闪灵),而近日有海外的媒体终于在现场拍摄到了新车的实车图片,今天就让我们来欣赏一下。从今年四季度开始,Rolls-Royce Spectre(闪灵)就要开始陆续交车了,之所以对其如此期待,因为这台车存在的意义不单单是劳斯莱斯的首款电动化超跑,更是未...
Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Long Island the only certified Rolls-Royce Dealer located on Long Island, New York. Visit and own your Rolls-Royce.
Another cool thing that's a first for the spectre is this grill.幽灵的另一个很酷的东西是这个烤架。This is the widest grill ever on a Rolls Royce.这是劳斯莱斯有史以来最宽的格栅。And as an option, you can choose to have it illuminated.作为一种选择,您可以选择让它发光。So when you drive...
In 2021, Rolls-Royce made a stunning announcement: it was going to build its first electric model: Spectre. The OEM would finally fulfill the ambition of its founder, Charles Rolls, to create a car that is "noiseless and clean". Rolls first discovered the benefits of electric propulsion in...
早在去年,劳斯莱斯就发布了旗下的首款纯电跑车Rolls-Royce Spectre(闪灵),而近日有海外的媒体终于在现场拍摄到了新车的实车图片,今天就让我们来欣赏一下。 从今年四季度开始,Rolls-Royce Spectre(闪灵)就要开始陆续交车了,之所以对其如此期待,因为这台车存在的意义不单单是劳斯莱斯的首款电动化超跑,更是未来劳斯品...
随着电气化进程的步步逼近,该来的总归会来。劳斯莱斯也迎来了旗下的首款纯电车型——闪灵(SPECTRE),这台车的面世可以说是劳斯莱斯历史性的时刻,也是RR品牌电动化进程中的重要里程碑,并且劳斯莱斯宣布将在2030年前实现全部产品电动化。从上海车展见到的实车来看,闪灵的定位是台电动双门轿跑,采用双门 4 座 GT ...
Rolls-Royce Spectre,很少见的颜色! û收藏 1127 1263 ñ2333 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...Ü 简介: 资深汽车媒体人!这里有你想知道的一切汽车资讯! 更多a 微关系 他的关注(343) 娱乐八公 柠檬跨境 微博会员小秘书 微博广告 ...