Rolls-Royce 一直以来都是尊贵豪华的象征,而 Rolls-Royce 的价格也不是一般的群众可以负担的!不过近日 Rolls-Royce 就推出了一款新品,也就是 Cullinan ,而这款 Cullinan 的售价“只需要”RM 70,593,看到这么便宜的价格是不是会让你心动呢? 这一款 Cullinan 其实并不是真的 Cullinan ,而是 Rolls-Royce 精品部门...
Chris Brownridge, the CEO of Rolls-Royce, said: “These individual motor cars exemplify the power of our Private Office strategy. By placing Bespoke designers in super-luxury centres around the world, they are even better placed to translate regional preferences and codes of luxury into ...