you may be able to roll your 401k over into your new employer’s retirement plan. While it is easier, this is true even if it is between two different plan managers.
Rolling Over Your Employer-Sponsored Qualified Retirement Plan Assets: Your Options It’s good to know you have options. When you leave a job, you can take one of the following actions with your employer sponsored qualified retirement plan assets, the most common of which is...
maintaining the 401(k) plan gives you an option tobegin taking distributions prior to age 59½without penalty. If you rollover your 401k to an IRA or to a new employer’s 401k plan, this option is lost.
FYI, you may have a waiting period before you can start to contribute to your new plan. Rollover your 401(k) to an IRA. On the plus side, you can continue to save for retirement when you roll over your retirement assets from your former employer’s qualified retirement plan (e.g., ...