Take rollerskating lessons with a World Class, professional entertainer in Los Angeles. An Acrobat, Rollerskater, and Actress Kim has been featured on TV shows such as Strange Angel, Westworld, Stumptown and more.
Skateboarding Lessons & Roller Skate lessons for kids through permitted programs for cities, schools, and brands in Los Angeles. Parents trust THE SKATESIDE.
Öffne und teile dieses GIF trick, roller skating, los angeles, mit allen, die du kennst. Größe 320 x 240 px. Das GIF wurde von Beazeri erstellt. Lade die beliebtesten GIFs 80er, venice beach, 1980er, strand, sprung, auf GIFER.com herunter.
The meaning of ROLLER SKATE is a shoe with a set of wheels attached for skating over a flat surface; also : a metal frame with wheels attached that can be fitted to the sole of a shoe.