Microsoft Fabric 中的 SQL Server Azure SQL 資料庫 Azure SQL 受控執行個體 SQL 資料庫 將使用者指定的交易回復到交易的開頭。 Transact-SQL 語法慣例 語法 syntaxsql ROLLBACK[WORK] [ ; ] 備註 這個陳述式的功能與 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION 相同,不過 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION 接受使用者自訂的交易名稱。 不論是否指...
Syntax for SQL Server and Azure SQL Database. syntaxsqlCopy ROLLBACK{TRAN|TRANSACTION} [transaction_name| @tran_name_variable|savepoint_name| @savepoint_variable] [ ; ] Syntax for Synapse Data Warehouse in Microsoft Fabric, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Parallel Data Warehouse Database. ...
本文內容 Syntax 引數 錯誤處理 備註 顯示其他 5 個 適用於:Microsoft Fabric Microsoft Fabric SQL 資料庫中的 SQL Server Azure SQL 資料庫 Azure SQL 受控執行個體 Azure Synapse Analytics Analytics Platform System (PDW) 倉儲 此語句會將明確或隱含的交易回復至交易的開頭,或復原至交易內的儲存點。
The rollback SQL statement is used to manually rollback transactions in MS SQL Server. 回滚SQL语句用于在MS SQL Server中手动回滚事务。 Transactions in SQL Server are used to execute a set of SQL statements in a group. With transactions, either all the statements in a group execute or none o...
API reference for the PDO::rollBack function in the Microsoft PDO_SQLSRV Driver for PHP for SQL Server.
此supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback 方法是由 java.sql.DatabaseMetaData 接口中的 supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback 方法指定的。 另请参阅 SQLServerDatabaseMetaData 方法 SQLServerDatabaseMetaData 成员 SQLServerDatabaseMetaData 类 反馈 此页面是否有帮助?
Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions (Transact-SQL) Tutorial: Writing Transact-SQL Statements + (Add) (Transact-SQL) + (Unary Plus) (Transact-SQL) + (String Concatenation) (Transact-SQL) += (Add EQUALS) (Transact-SQL) += (String Concatenation) (Transact-SQL) - (Negative) (Transact-SQL) - (...
Single SQL statements involved in a deadlock (competition for the same data) can also cause a statement-level rollback. Errors discovered during SQL statement parsing, such as a syntax error, have not yet been run, so they do not cause a statement-level ...
BEGIN CREATE TABLE INSERT 0 1 count --- 1 (1 row) psql:toto.sql:9: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type integer: "wrong 1" LINE 1: INSERT INTO savepoint_test SELECT 'wrong 1'; ^ ROLLBACK count --- 1 (1 row) ROLLBACK Installation To...
Syntax ROLLBACKWORK HOLDTO SAVEPOINTsavepoint-name Description When ROLLBACK is used without the TO SAVEPOINT clause, the unit of work in which it is executed is ended. All changes made by SQL schema statements and SQL data change statements during the unit of work are backed out. For more ...