Roll backto the right to exit this maneuver. 将副翼打右舵,使直升机恢复成为水平飞行. 互联网 Standing on the Great Wall, we could feel the centuriesroll back. 站在长城上, 我们会感到像回到了几个世纪以前. 互联网 Any unused cold foil willroll backto an alternate materials. ...
权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 rollback n. 1. (价格或工资等的)下跌,回落a reduction in a price or in pay, to a past level 2. (情形、法律等的)回复,恢复the act of changing a situation, law, etc. back to what it was before
rollback 1)反转,压价2)回落,削减:尤指物价或工资由于政府采取行动或命令 而下降到原先较低的水平:a price rollback; a rollback of military supplies.物价的回落;军用物资的削减3)退后:如从原先占据的位置或政策中退却:Conservatives hoped for a rollback of left-wing support for the controversial new legi...
rollback rollback是什么意思、rollback怎么读 读音:英['rəʊlbæk] 美['rolbæk] rollback 基本解释 n. 反转,压价 rollback 网络释义 n. 卷回;反转;(物价、利率等的)回降 词组短语 1、automaticrollback[计] 自动回退 2、systemrollback[计] 系统重新运行...
The cancellation of the transaction is called arollback. 取消事务称为回滚. 互联网 This paper introduce therollbackcheckpointing algorithm in the retry - recovery technique. 本文介绍了容错重算恢复技术中的向后滚动检查点算法. 互联网 Therollbackor failure of transaction would affect other concurrent tr...
roll back 2 of 2 verb rolled back; rolling back; rolls back transitive verb 1 : to reduce (something, such as a commodity price) to or toward a previous level on a national scale 2 : to cause to retreat or withdraw : push back 3 : rescind attempted to roll back anti...
在MySQL存储过程中,可以使用ROLLBACK来撤销之前执行的所有未提交的更改。当与BEGIN和COMMIT结合使用时,ROLLBACK可以帮助您管理事务并确保数据的完整性。以下是一个示例存储过程,它使用TRY...CATCH块来捕获异常,并在需要时执行ROLLBACK。 请注意,MySQL本身并不直接支持TRY...CATCH错误处理块,但您可以使用DECLARE ... ...
roll.back n.(名词) A reduction, especially in prices or wages, to a previous lower level by governmental action or direction: 回落,削减:尤指物价或工资由于政府采取行动或命令而下降到原先较低的水平: 例句: a price rollback; a rollback of military supplies. ...