The sushi is called the “California Roll” because it consists of crab and avocado. The initials for these ingredients together are CA, which happens to be the abbreviation for the state of California. Thanks to this utterly random and uncanny coincidence, Chef Tojo decided to go with the na...
Generate all the quarters between start and end dates Generate email with Embedded Image using SQL Server Generate n rows in the same query Generate random number between Two number Generate random number which is not exist in table generate random string of length 5 [A-Z][0-9] Generate t...
into a number of bulk cargo storage compartments 43. In the present embodiment these compartments 43 are oil storage tanks. The upper part of the body is preferably divided into a number of operating areas 45 including quarters for the crew, space for power generating equipment, space for the...
when he would scour car seats, jacket pockets, couch cushions and the school grounds hoping to find to stray change. When he managed to scrounge together two quarters, he’d head straight to the school lunch counter and buy himself a two-pack of Swiss cake rolls. This constituted a really...