Joni Mitchelland Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young records. As a child I looked to musicians as being a certain breed of sage or prophet. I felt that their chords and melodies contained some sort of mystic power. I was drawn to it. It was the most spiritual experience that I encountered ...
and there’s no real guitar on the record. There’s a bass on “Low Life” that Tim Kingsbury (of Arcade Fire) plays, and there’s a sample of an unplugged electric guitar. We just recorded a handful of chords on an unplugged electric guitar with three or four mikes and then chopped...
Storj Decentralized Open-Source Cloud Storage apiKey Yes Unknown The Null Pointer No-bullshit file hosting and URL shortening service No Yes Unknown Web3 Storage File Sharing and Storage for Free with 1TB Space apiKey Yes Yes⬆ Back to IndexContinuous...
Beautiful day. Ran around Central park this morning. Then read Saroyan flat on my back on a park bench with the sun beating down on me. It’s quiet. [Bedder-½] is at work. Having trouble writing because my expectations are too high. Don’t want to desecrate clean paper with poor ...
Some MIDI events such as pitch wheel, Pan, Channel Volume Control are used, to enhance the quality. 0.0(no ratings yet) 1 Vibraphone 362 notes/chords,avg. pitch D5 Program ID: 11, Track: 1 time: 00:01 - 02:32 pitch: D#4 - G5 ...
The Dog A public service all about Dogs, free to use when making your fancy new App, Website or Service apiKey Yes No xeno-canto Bird recordings No Yes Unknown Zoo Animals Facts and pictures of zoo animals No Yes Yes⬆ Back to IndexAnime...
Storj Decentralized Open-Source Cloud Storage apiKey Yes Unknown The Null Pointer No-bullshit file hosting and URL shortening service No Yes Unknown Web3 Storage File Sharing and Storage for Free with 1TB Space apiKey Yes Yes⬆ Back to IndexContinuous...