highlowHighLowTypeWhether to keep/drop the highest or lowest roll. exprRollExpressionAn expression representing the number of rolls to keep/drop. This property defaults to 1 as aNumberType. Example:2d6 GroupedRoll This object represents a group of rolls combined, with optional modifiers. This obj...
Full towers of parameters involving either the inflaton potential or the Hubble parameter are constructed and the dynamics of non-tachyonic and tachyonic fields are considered in detail; exact cosmological solutions and the inflationary attractor condition are provided. We compare scalar-driven and ...
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of the control of the ratio of roll rigidity between front and rear wheels which conforms an actual yaw rate to a target yaw rate calculated based on the state amount of turning travel, focusing attention on the fact that generation of a roll is based on the turning travel of the vehicle...
"pirate-prince-of-the-ragged-helix-u": "Pirate Prince of the Ragged Helix", "pirate-prince-of-the-ragged-helix-u": "Prince pirate de la Ragged Helix", "flesh-shaper-of-melancholia-u": "Flesh Shaper of Melancholia", "plague-marine-u": "Plague Marine", "warpsmith-u": "Forgeron du...
A sluggish vaccine roll out and a leak from a quarantine hotel are being blamed. 随着维多利亚州努力遏制新型冠状病毒爆发,澳大利亚墨尔本市500多万人将进入为期一周的封锁期。疫苗推广迟缓和一家隔离酒店的泄漏是罪魁祸首。Scores of people...
Engineering flow processes to direct the microscopic structure of soft materials represents a growing area of materials research. In situ small-angle neutron scattering under flow (flow-SANS) is an attractive probe of fluid microstructure under simulated
The traditional flap forms a nipple shell composed of dermis and epidermis containing a core of subcutaneous fat. The shortcomings of this technique are that it relies on subcutaneous fat for nipple bulk and with time loses a significant part of its volume. We present a modification of the C-...
ROLL BEARINGPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To prevent the initial peeling of a fixed ring in a roll bearing used under the conditions of high vibration, a high load and high temperature and to remarkably prolong the life of the bearing.TAKEMURA HIROMICHI...