(先攻条/递减排序/滚动箭头) 9.ROLL20的骰子命令是/roll[空格][骰子数]D[骰子面数]+[调整值][空格][描述语] 例如普通的骰子命令就是: /roll d20+15 先攻 基本上了解了这些,就已经可以使用ROLL20正常跑团了。ROLL20还有很多其他的功能,比如在线语音啊、背景音乐啊玩家都可以自己摸索一下,这里就不多做...
也可以在Roll20上可以在创建跑团房间时选择加入“找团列表(Looking for Group List)”,或者直接加入已...
9.ROLL20的骰子命令是/roll[空格][骰子数]D[骰子面数]+[调整值][空格][描述语] 例如普通的骰子命令就是: /roll d20+15 先攻 基本上了解了这些,就已经可以使用ROLL20正常跑团了。ROLL20还有很多其他的功能,比如在线语音啊、背景音乐啊玩家都可以自己摸索一下,这里就不多做介绍了。
http://roll20.net Overview Repositories29 Projects Packages People4 More Popular repositoriesLoading roll20-character-sheetsroll20-character-sheetsPublic Character sheet templates created by the community for use in Roll20 VTT. Submit a ticket at roll20.net/help if critical hotfixes are to be reques...
Getting started with Roll20? Here's our comprehensive Roll20 tutorial to help you play tabletop RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons online.
The Roll20 Companion App is everything a player needs at game time! Keep your characters at your fingertips at home, the game store, or wherever your adventures…
Character sheet templates created by the community for use in Roll20 VTT. Submit a ticket at roll20.net/help if critical hotfixes are to be requested. - roll20-character-sheets/Nanochrome/NanoChrome.html at master · Deshaun-bit/roll20-character-sheets
Roll 20! is a simple and intuitive dice roller for your Apple Watch. Quickly choose between D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, or D100 dice and begin rolling. You can…