Goldfine, A. Grossman, J., Hershman, R. McLauchlan, M. I. New, R. Rebar, R. Rushakoff, F. Singer, D. Trence, M. Tschoep & A. Vinik (Eds.), (chapter 5). Hines, M. (2007). Do sex differences in cognition cause the shortage of women in science? In S. J...
Although the man and his wife were both naked, they were not ashamed Genesis 2:7-25 So God created humans to be like himself; he made men and women. God gave them his blessing and said: Have a lot of children! Fill the earth with people and bring it under your control. Rule over ...
There will be greater support to social organizations coming from government procurement of services, project funds and subsidies. Greatest support will go to organizations that offer services to the elderly, women, children, the disabled, unemployed, migrant workers, the mentally challenged, misbehaving...
Jane Fonda called "In the Cool of the Day" a movie that was "so bad I don't even know if it was released," and the one title she'd like to remove from her IMDb page if given the chance. And indeed, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who's ever heard of ...
More than half of the sample was women, and on average individuals reported experiencing less than 1 depressive symptom in the last week, and mean lifetime pack-years among ever smok- ers of 27.5. Additionally, at least one-third of the sample fell into the obese range when defined as a...
(Xyotax) is entering the market as cancer treatment for non-small-cell lung cancer in women (Singer2005). Polyethyleneglycol in conjugation with camptothecin (EZ-246, Pegamotecan) (Posey et al.2005) and cyclodextrin in conjugation with camptothecin (Schluep et al.2006a,b; Zamboni et al....
Although our selection criteria focused on excellence and the capacity to contribute to an interdisciplinary group, we also ended up with an equal balance of women and men from the physical and biological sciences. The workshop format was initially perceived as unconventional by some of the RAINS ...
Higher Ca2+ consumption than the Dietary Reference Intake lowered the BLL in postmenopausal women [26] as well as Pb levels in the blood and breast milk of pregnant and lactating women, respectively [30,32]. Ca2+ with or without chelators also reduced the BLL and the deposition of Pb in ...
As they progress through puberty, girls in particular may be faced with new sexual attention from both peers and adults (American Association of University Women, 1995). Intervention focused on self- protection and individual rights and responsibilities may be beneficial, and schools com- mitted to...
Although previous research has concluded that gender differences on performance estimates is attributable to a lack of confidence among women, these results suggest that the gender difference may be (at least partly) attributable to self-presentational style. It appears that women in this study ...