Cambodia aims to achieve this by 2025, driven in large part by the urgent need to control the spread of artemisinin-resistant falciparum malaria infections. Rapid elimination depends on sustaining early access to diagnosis and effective treatment. In much of Cambodia, rapid elimination will rely on...
2003. Design Contradictions in the `New Architecture of Aid'? Reflections from Uganda on the Roles of Civil Society Organizations. Development Policy Review. Vol 21(1): 93-106.Lister, S.N.W., 2003. Design contradictions in the `new architecture of aid'? Re- flections from Uganda on the...
also involved, both in supervisoryandoperational roles,inexternaloperationsinDjibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia and the Sudan implies [...] 负责策划和指挥这次行动的厄立特里亚官员还以监管和实际操作的角色,参与在吉布提、肯尼亚、乌干达、索马里和苏丹的对外行动,意味着...
It is currently estimated that more than 230 million people are infected with schistosomes [1], with an additional 500 million at risk of infection [2]. Three schistosome species comprise the majority of these infections:Schistosoma haematobium(occurs mainly in sub-Saharan Africa),S. japonicum(dis...
AMISOM, whose mandate was due to expire in 2022, is a peace support operation with nearly 20,000 forces on the ground mainly from Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Burundi and Djibouti.■
COVID-19 continues to spread across borders and has proven to be a challenge for the existing healthcare system. The demand for intensivists has dramatically increased in the United States, in the backdrop of an expected lack of intensivists in many states even before the pandemic. One propos...
Notably, there has been little empirical examination of societal reactions to victimized Rohingya women and perpetrators. To address this lacuna of research, this study examines, with a sample from India, the roles of anti-Rohingya statements and hostile sexism in victim-directed and perpetrator-...
In G. Unks (Ed.), The gay teen: Educational practice and theory for lesbian, gay and bisexual youth (pp. 95–101). New York: Routledge. Google Scholar Pascoe, C. J. (2007). Dude, you’re a fag: Masculinity and sexuality in high school. Berkeley: University of California Press. ...
HIV/AIDS is the disease of globalization par excellence. It has thrived as a pandemic in the era of globalization in part because it is driven by factors that are the defining traits of globalization, including rapid international movement of goods and c
Similarly, the results of a study in Uganda found that through the traditional roles of men and women, men regarded maternal health as solely women’s business, and that men’s involvement in maternal health was to be restricted to providing financial support [36]. The fact that other ...