(2016). The coordination roles of relief organisations in humanitarian logistics. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 19(5), 465-485.Jensen, L. M., and M. Hertz. 2016. "The Coordination Roles of Relief Organizations in Humanitarian Logistics." International Journal of ...
Charge nurses are untapped leadership resources that can be groomed for future advanced leadership positions in healthcare organizations. The purpose of this study was to understand the development needs for the charge nurse role. This study demonstrates they receive little or no training for assuming...
UNESCO is not a humanitarian agency per se, however, it has a unique and often highly specialized technical role to play in addressing emergency needs in its fields of competence. unesdoc.unesco.org 然而,教科文组织本身并不是一个人道主义机构;它在满足其主管领域内的紧急需 求方面,发挥着独特 而...
The policy also (e) emphasizes the importance of engaging boys and men in promoting gender equality; (f) sets out key roles for UNICEF in capacity development; and (g) outlines institutional arrangements and collaboration with partners on gender issues, including in humanitarian situations and in ...
This included the role of UNICEF as a co-lead of the humanitarian education cluster, which some said could serve as a model for United Nations partnerships with non-governmental organizations in other clusters. 这包括儿基会作为人道主义教育小组共同牵头机构的作用,一些代表团说,这可以作为联合国与非...
This included the role of UNICEF as a co-lead of the humanitarian education cluster, which some said could serve as a model for United Nations partnerships with non-governmental organizations in other clusters. 这包括儿基会作为人道主义教育小组共同牵头机构的作用,一些代表团说,这可以作为联合国与非...
Women were very active during the reform of humanitarian reforms they were more active than ever. For instance, the spirit of reform was prevalent in the field of women's rights. Many women played a central role in a wide range of historical moral crusades. This reform was the beginning ...
2013: Influence of gender roles and rising food prices on poor, pregnant women's eating and food provisioning practices in Dhaka, Bangladesh Reproductive Health 10: 53 Ignjatović, M. 2006: War and peace. Part 2--Peace: peace and humanitarian organizations and Nobel Peace Prize Vojnosanitet...
WarinthesecessioniststateofBiafra.Since then,theorganizationhasprovidedmedi- calservicestopeopleaffectedbywars,natu- raldisasters,faminesandinfectious-disease outbreaksaroundtheworld.In1999,itwas awardedtheNobelPeacePrizefor“pioneer- inghumanitarianworkonseveralcontinents”. ...
3 They have officially been granted either asylum status under the Geneva Convention or subsidiary protection or other humanitarian protection. Among them, one in two had Syrian nationality (49%), one in two Afghan (18%). Iraqis and Iranians comprised only a small proportion of positive asylum...