Does 1 Timothy 3:11 give qualifications for female church elders? Does 1 Timothy 3:11 give the qualifications for women elders(aka overseers or pastors) and deacons? Or just women deacons? Or… Read More July 26, 2024 How To Stop Being A Bitch Are you a woman who is often unpleasant...
In addition to spiritual gifts, the New Testament outlines specific roles within the Church, such as elders, deacons, and overseers. These roles are described in passages like 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:5-9, where qualifications for church leaders are detailed. These roles are vital for...
[2]A post on1 Timothy 3:4-5and church supervisors managing their own householdswellis here.1 Timothy 3:4-5and1 Timothy 3:12are not about husbands, as such, but contain qualifications for supervisors and deacons. [3]Ben Sirach is writing later than the authors of the Hebrew Bible. His...