As a teacher, one of his main duties is to assess the stu⁃ dents’work, so as to get an idea of how well the students are learn⁃ ing and how well they have learned. In this stage, we can say that 收稿日期:2014-09-15 修回日期:2014-10-15 作者简介:牟瑛(1975-),女,山东...
In particular, two major areas of organizational functioning are singled out for attention --decision making and communication. Both of these areas point to a range of...doi:10.1080/00131727909336125ANGLINLEO W.Educational ForumAnglin, L.W. (1979) "Teacher roles and alternative school organizations...
1. Introduction The role of teachers in a kind of standard of behaviors, which is rooted in the idea of teachers and is shown by the idea of teachers and the education behaviors. The orientation of teacher's role based on the student-centered idea is a new requirement for teachers in ...
论文--大学论文 文档标签: TheRolesofaLanguageTeacher The Roles of a Language Teacher,The Roles of a Language Teacher,The,Roles,of,a,Language,Teacher 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ 立即下载相似精选,再来一篇 apanghuang25 分享于2014-06-16 03:14...
The Roles of a Language Teacher
The second chapter provides a concise definition of the term "role" drawing on the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary and David Nunan's definition of the teacher role. It emphasizes the expectations associated with roles and the varying degrees of choice involved in fulfilling them. The third ...
Summary This chapter contains sections titled: Defining and Promoting Balance Roles of a Clinician Roles of a Researcher Roles of a Teacher Conclusion Referencesdoi:10.1002/9781444315929.ch14Stephen F. DavisColumbia University Medical Center at Harlem Hospital, USAPeter J. Giordano...
Role of StudentsTeacher in Distance EducationDistance EducationDistance EducatorTurkeyDistance Education is the new, global technology based education to facilitate easy, immediate learning and interaction for all communicators who are the teachers and students that involve the education program. Distance ...
Teacher RoleTeacher BurnoutMany writers have advocated caring as an alternative moral code for, and approach to, education. These pedagogies of care seek to create an environment or culture of caring in the classroom where children can live in and learn about care. Caring for children in a ...
团队在工作中的角色TeamRolesatWork_(SecondEdition).pdf,Also by this author Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail The Coming Shape of Organisation Changing the Way We Work Beyond the Team Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier Linacre House,