The agile team I'm working on has a different approach to knowledge sharing. From one iteration to the next, if there's something you've worked on a lot in one iteration, you're banned from working on it in the next. Obviously, you end up pairing with the person working on that pie...
Baumgart, R., Hummel, M., Holten, R.: Personality traits of Scrum roles in agile software development teams-a qualitative analysis. In: ECIS. (2015)R. Baumgart, M. Hummel, and R. Holten, "Personality traits of scrum roles in agile software development teams - A qualitative...
Note: This article is updated at Roles on Agile Teams.You can think of a role as a group of related tasks, activities, and responsibilities. By knowing the responsibilities and core types of activities up front, you can help make sure you have the right people on the team so that you ...
itself and its work. The team is cross-functional because it contains the skills that it requires to deliver the user stories in the product backlog. MSF for Agile Software Development v5.0 does not distinguish roles within the team by criteria such as engineering discipline or area of ...
Familiarity with different project management methodologies like Waterfall and Agile with the Scrum or Kanban frameworks Strong experience using project management tools like TeamGantt, Asana, and Confluence A product manageridentifies the viability of your app idea acquiring the data of competitiveness, sp...
Instead, the Scrum Master serves the Team; he or she helps to remove impediments, protects the Team from outside interference, and helps the Team to adopt Agile development practices. He or she educates, coaches and guides the Product Owner, Team and the rest of the organization in the ...
Scale Agile through team maturity 26 Jun 2024 The Relevance of CoE Testing in a Modern, Agile Organization 20 Jun 2024 Quality Coaching: Encouraging Testability 19 Apr 2024 My first 7 lessons Learned as a Quality Coach 4 Apr 2024 Load more ...
Agile development requires self-organizing teams. The set-up of a (feature) team has to enable self-organization. Special care has to be taken if the project is not only distributed, but also large and more than one feature team is involved. Every feature team needs in such a setting a ...
10 Negative Sounding Terms Used in Agile Working Settings (But are not!) The Agile Times Some level of confusion may occur with the use of certain terminologies, likely when a relatively new-to-agile member joins an agile working team. Let’s face it, we are living in a society that req...
Is a cross functional, small and self-organizing team which owns the collective responsibility of developing, testing and releasing the Product increment. There may not be any team lead since decisions are taken collectively by the team. Therole of a tester in an agile teamis discussed in detai...