Related post: Amityville horrors in ‘The Amityville Horror’ and ‘Amityville II’ back to top Angel’s Dance (1999): Details: Dir. David L. Corley. Perf. James Belushi, Kyle Chandler, Sheryl Lee. York Entertainment, 1999. Synopsis: Tony (Kyle Chandler) trains to become a Mafia hit man...
Now one of Pixar's most beloved franchises, the original "Toy Story" was a box office smash in 1995 as thehighest-grossing film of the year. The CGI-animated movie captivated audiences with a story of two toys, a cowboy voiced by Tom Hanks and a space hero voiced by Tim Allen, who...
Now one of Pixar's most beloved franchises, the original "Toy Story" was a box office smash in 1995 as thehighest-grossing film of the year. The CGI-animated movie captivated audiences with a story of two toys, a cowboy voiced by Tom Hanks and a space hero voiced by Tim Allen, who...
broke down in front of our eyes, she (a Nickelodeon star in her own right) played Sarah “Taffy” Maynston onRugrats. Her pink-haired alter-ego was 16-year-old Taffy, who was one of the best babysitters that theRugratsgang ever had. ...
they’ll turn to whoever looks like him the most — you. At least that’s what happens to James Franco’s character, Vincent Martino, in thenew HBO dramaThe Deuce.The mafia isn’t sympathetic to Vincent’s sob story about being an honest man with a no-good brother, and so Vincent mu...