Hello,What roles or permissions should I assign to the user who has task assigned to integrate all the resources with Microsoft Sentinel from multiple...
Review the System Health area under the Microsoft Sentinel for SAP connector to get information on the health of your connected SAP systems. Use the Data collection health check alert rule. Get proactive alerts on the health of the SAP agent's data collection....
Sentinel Sériová konzola Service Bus Konektor služby Service Fabric Přehled Rozhraní API služby Azure Service Fabric Mesh Resource Manager Rozhraní API Resource Manager Service Fabric (1. 2. 2018) Rozhraní API Resource Manager Service Fabric (2017-07-01-preview) Klientská rozhraní API...
Azure Sentinel Azure Sphere Azure Spring Apps Azure Stack Azure Stack HCI Azure VMware 解決方案 裸機基礎結構 批 計費 計費權益 Bot Service 緩存 CDN 憑證註冊 變更分析 Chaos Studio Codeigning 認知服務 通訊服務 社區 計算 機密總帳 匯合的 線上快取 消費 容器應用程式 容器實例 Container Registry 容器記憶...
Microsoft Sentinel Microsoft Defender for Internet of Things (D4IoT) CISSP, CISP, CCSP, CISA, CISM, RHCE Language QualificationMandarin Language: fluent in reading, writing and speaking. English Language: confident in reading, writing and speaking. #CyberDefender Ability to meet Microsoft, ...
Ideally I'd like the audit logs for this forwarded to Sentinel, but can't find any documentation about what table they might end up in or what connector I would need to enable to make this happen. investigation microsoft sentinel Reply Gadi_Palatchi_MSFT Microsoft Dec 27, 2022 ...
Azure Sentinel Azure Sphere Azure Spring Apps Azure Stack Azure Stack HCI Azure VMware 解决方案 Baremetal 基础结构 批 计费 计费权益 机器人服务 缓存 CDN 证书注册 更改分析 Chaos Studio 代码对齐 认知服务 通信服务 社区 计算 机密账本 汇合的 连接的缓存 消费 容器应用 容器实例 容器注册表 容器存储 Con...
若要创建 Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlRoleAssignments 资源,请将以下 Bicep 添加到模板。 Bicep 复制 resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlRoleAssignments@2024-12-01-preview' = { parent: resourceSymbolicName name: 'string' properties: { principalId: 'string' roleDefin...
本文介绍 microsoft.billing/billingaccounts/billingroleassignments的每个 API 版本中更改的属性。 它仅涵盖部署期间可用的属性。 2024-04-01 添加: BillingRoleAssignmentProperties ProxyResourceWithTags 更新: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingRoleAssignments:添加了属性“systemData” Microsoft.Billing/billi...
Hi Team, To be able to know which agent ceases to send events, I would like a query to create an analytics role.