当你遇到“role 'postgres' does not exist”这个错误时,通常意味着你尝试以“postgres”用户身份连接到PostgreSQL数据库,但数据库中不存在名为“postgres”的角色(用户)。以下是一些解决这个问题的步骤: 检查角色列表: 首先,你需要确认数据库中是否确实存在“postgres”这个角色。你可以使用以下SQL命令来查看当前数据库...
报错:psql: FATAL: role “postgres” does not exist 原文链接:这里 0.前言 在docker里操作postgres数据库时遇到这个错误,大意是“postgres”这个角色不存在。 1.解决办法 我们输入下面命令 psql -U onlinejudge 然后依次输入下面两行代码: createuserpostgres superuser;createuserroot superuser; 然后输入 \q 退出...
- POSTGRES_USER = odoo12 进入容器后,用su posgres命令切换用户,运行psql命令时提示: psql: FATAL: role “postgres” does not exist 解决办法: 由于指定了容器运行时的用户名和密码,所以进入容器时只能用指定的用户名和密码进入 docker exec -it 容器ID psql -U odoo12 postgres -U 指定用户名 odoo12 po...
3.在Web的容器中的环境变量中找到了访问CDSW数据库的账号密码等信息 cdsw@web-bd545c85b-n4488:/app/web$echo$POSTGRESQL_USERcdsw@web-bd545c85b-n4488:/app/web$echo$POSTGRESQL_PASScdsw@web-bd545c85b-n4488:/app/web$echo$POSTGRESQL_DBcdsw@web-bd545c85b-n4488:/app/web$echo$DB_IP AI代码助手...
psql: FATAL: role "postgres" does not exist (36 answers) Closed last year.I'm setting up Postgresql for use with a Rails app, but I do not seem to be able to connect to, or properly configure, the database (the errors I get after starting the Rails server are: ActiveRecord::No...
The PostgreSQLdatabaseuser is created in the entrypoint and is the one specified byPOSTGRES_USER. IfPOSTGRES_USERis specified, then there is no database user calledpostgres. postgres/13/alpine/docker-entrypoint.sh Line 92 in156d065 eval'initdb --username="$POSTGRES_USER" --pwfile=<(printf "...
如何排查容器中 psql -U " role does not exist" 错误的思路求助? 我使用windows11 上的 docker-desktop 4.12.0 (85629),按照如下方式运行 postgres: docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -v D:\WorkSpaces\postgres\pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_USER="postgres" -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="postgres...
I'm setting up my PostgreSQL 9.1. I can't do anything with PostgreSQL: can't createdb, can't createuser; all operations return the error message Fatal: role h9uest does not exist h9uest is my account name, and I sudo apt-get install PostgreSQL 9.1 under this account. Similar er...
So what are the steps I should take? Delete an everything related to psql and reinstall everything? Thanks for the help guys! linux配置 up vote242down voteaccepted Note that the error message doesNOTtalk about a missing database, it talks about a missing role. Later in the login process...