We speculate about the future of the trade union movement in the wake of statistics showing declining membership numbers in other developed economies. We argue that unions should be given representation on operational decision making boards or committees in relation to remuneration policy decision making...
The leadership of trade unions is a much neglected aspect in the field of contemporary leadership studies despite the growing importance of the role as these organizations struggle to survive in the current political and economic climate extant in most Western countries. By employing a methodology whi...
THE ROLE OF UNIONS IN THE TOURISM INDUSTRY Portfolio Committee on Tourism in the National Assembly 18 September 2013 Presented by TUSA (Tourism Union of South Africa) DEFINITION OF A TRADE UNION An organisation based on membership of workers, the main focus being the representation of ...
The Status of Women in Trade Unions in Africa: Evidence from 8 Countries Labour Research and Policy Institute, Ghana: Trade Union Congress (2011) Google Scholar [48] H. Kelly Maritime Gender Pay Reports Reveal Scale of Gap Lloyd’s List (2018) 04 April https://lloydslist.maritimeintelligence...
Currently, South Africa – one of the countries with the highest number of people living with HIV and with one of the largest TB burdens in the world (Hansoti et al., 2019, WHO, 2019)– has the highest number COVID-19 infections on the continent (Isilow, 2020) (Figure 1). Download...
(c) Recognizetheroleofminingsector trade unions in achieving decent working conditions in the sector daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org (c) 认识到采矿部门的工会为该部门实现体面工作条件而发挥的作用; (d) 通过调控和自愿手段相结合,开发采矿的上游和下游活动,作为地方经 济多样化的手段 ...
Between the State and Labour: The Conflict of Chinese Trade Unions' Double Identity in Market Reform Chinese official union's reactions to labour contentions can be explained by its double institutional identity as both a state apparatus and the labour organization. Before the reform, the union ...
"ANC's alliance partners such as the South African Communist Party (SACP) and Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) want the NHI to be implemented."According to Mabhena, South Africans were also looking at how Dr Motsoaledi was going to balance the two opposing views concerning the...
The influential trade-union leaders refused to be regulated in terms of the economy, causing unemployment and inflation to soar. Term:1970 – 1974 Political Party:Conservative Heath’s premiership was one of modern history’s most dramatic and contentious. During significant industrial change and eco...
In ancient Egypt, the goddess Isis was considered the paragon of motherhood, a patron goddess of childbirth and a figure of both gentle motherhood and confident queenhood. In Africa, a common symbol of motherhood is the creation goddess associated with the moon and water. The creation goddess ...