Based on focus groups with teachers at the school who engage with the growing number of Syrian refugee children in their classrooms, this study highlights in particular the role of Turkish language skills in ensuring the integration of Syrian children in the Turkish educational system. The data ...
提示词语:setagoodexample,smile,respect,helpful,hardworking dearpeter, howisitgoing?atmyschoolwe’retalkingaboutwhatweshouldlearnfromtherolemodel.anythingnewatyourschool?yours, lihua onepossibleversion: dearpeter, howisitgoing?atmyschoolwe’retalkingaboutwhatweshoulddotobeagoodstudent. manypeoplethinkof...
FDI inflows remain an important source of economic growth and technology transfer for developing countries. However, the proponents of the pollution haven
Green intellectual capital is an essential part of sustainability as it covers the crucial factors such as knowledge, skills and expertise which equip firms to address environmental and social issues. Interestingly, even since the emergence of the concept, it has not received enough attention (Lin e...
This paper aims to identify, map, and complement designers' roles and design competencies for the creation of circular business models in practice with insights from the literature. The term 'competency' is defined as "a functionally linked complex of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable ...