Thus, capital market plays a major role in the development of industries in India. Several measures have been taken in the last decade to make the securities market in India better regulated, more efficient and generally safer. The regulator, SEBI, is regarded throughout the world as ...
In order to further strengthen the compliance and monitoring requirements relating to such stock brokers and to ensure efficient functioning of securities market, SEBI videCircular no.SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD1/P/CIR/2023/24 dated February 06, 2023, on “Enhanced obligations and responsibil...
Stock exchange being an essential component of developed capital market brings together large amounts of capital necessary for the economic progress of the country. Since 1988, SEBI has been playing a significant role in regulating the Indian Capital market.PAGUDALA SUCHITRA...
This research paper aims to gain insight into the role of SEBI as a regulatory authority and its impact on Indian Capital market. The study is descriptive in nature. Thus the findings have been made by analysis in order to know the role and impacts of SEBI in Indian Capital market.Tripathi...
A study on Role of SEBI as a Regulatory Authority in Indian Capital Market: an Empirical AnalysisIosr journalsMabruka Muspah ElkhataliJaved Qadri
The first statutory regulatory body that the government of India set up post the reforms of 1991 was the Securities and Exchanges Board of India (SEBI). As a regulator for the securities markets, SEBI was given the powers to prohibit insider trading practices in the capital market and to ...