In addition occupational health services, provided at the workplace to address the health care needs of working populations have been identified as an important component of the public health strategy. These services can also make a significant contribution to other government initiatives, such as; ...
During a 6-year follow-up period, Cox proportional hazard models were used to investigate the influence of work-related stress and health on early labour market exit, adjusting for sex, age, education, occupational status, income and supervisor behaviour. Work-related stress was measured by ...
2008; Sproesser et al.,2013). Although work is a major source of stress in individuals’ life and work stress has been identified as one of the leading occupational health issues in the scientific literature for nearly four decades now (Ganster & Rosen,2013...
Trait emotional intelligence Workplace social support Teacher burnout Occupational health Chinese teachers SEM, structural equation modelling CFI, comparative fit index GFI, goodness of fit index p(Δχ2), p-value of the χ2 difference RMSEA, root mean squared error of approximation SRMR, standardized...
He said that the country is committed to bolstering labor welfare and harmonizing domestic labor legislation with global standards, underlining that the enhancement of occupational safety and health across various sectors remains a top priority for the incumbent government. ...
Examining the Value of Integrating Occupational Health and Safety and Health Promotion Programs in the Workplace This paper examines the role of worker health as a key contributing factor to increases in workplace productivity, and the emergence of organizational prac... RZ Goetzel,D Ph.,Director...
Health systems have improved their abilities to identify, diagnose, treat and, increasingly, achieve viral suppression among people living with HIV (PLHIV). Despite these advances, a higher burden of multimorbidity and poorer health-related quality of li
AIDS Control and the Workplace: The Role of Occupational Health Services in South Africa AIDS interventions typically fail to address the disjuncture between private behaviors and the social determinants of HIV infection. Data from a telephone ... Leslie,London - 《International Journal of Health Ser...
Decent work was proposed by International Labour Organization (ILO) as an institutional measure to address challenges faced by labor in the current competitive dynamic labor market. This study aims to investigate the impact of “decent work” dimensions on faculty members’ Innovative Work Behaviour (...
Workplace bullying is a serious problem in organizations. This study examined the effects of workplace bullying on compulsory citizenship behavior in the work domain and spousal well-being in the family domain. Workplace bullying was viewed as a reality in organizations, and individuals’ judgments ...