GPs are ideally placed to take on a greater role in safeguarding children by spotting early warning signs of maltreatment and using their skills to provide children and their families with direct support, a new report concludes.1 The report estimates that for every child who is subject to a ...
The article discusses a 2014 report about the child protection responsibilities of general practitioners, jointly published by the Royal College of General Pracitioners and the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), among others. 关键词: neglect emotional abuse Child Heal...
Reading about the BBC investigation, I felt a sense ofdéjà vu. I was surprised that anyone working in online safeguarding would be—to use the NSPCC's words—"shocked" by the reporter's experiences. Ten years ago, well before we'd heard the word "metaverse," similar stories emerged arou...