Hint:NPK is the key component in many of the processes required to hold outgrowth. They also play a role in a series of functions essential for well plant growth, contributing to structural strength, crop quality, seed production, and more. They are imperative in a variety of other processes...
NPK to manage the crops and it further aggravate the deficiency of micronutrients which is now major concern for all because it is affecting human and animal nutrition along with plants. This deficiencyis concerns not only the plant nutrition but has far reaching implication in form ...
NPK1 might be associated and regulated by a microtubule motor protein. The localisation of NPK1 to the cell plate and its mitosis-specific activation suggest that together with NTF6 it could constitute a mitotic MAPK signalling module in tobacco. NPK1 appears to have a second role in ...
In the second factor, three water-soluble NPK fertilizers including 19-6-20, 12-12-36 and 20-20-20 were applied separately throughout the entire vegetative and reproductive stage to plants at the concentration of 1 g L−1. According to the results, NI-W and NI-B reduced the leaf ...
Recently, attention has been paid to CaP NPs as emerging materials able to deliver physiologically rel- evant macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, NPK) to plants, for sustainable applications in agriculture18–23. Conventional fertilizers, composed of highly water-soluble salts, are ...
The crop production is inhibited by a large number of both biotic and abiotic stresses. These stresses include presence of toxic heavy metals, high salt, flood, drought, temperature, wounding, various pathogens, etc. The agricultural production was inten
The individual role of biochar, compost and PGPR has been widely studied in increasing the productivity of plants by inducing resistance against phyto-pathogens. However, the knowledge on combined effect of biochar and PGPR on plant health and management of foliar pathogens is still at juvenile stag...
NPK1, an MEKK1-like Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase, Regulates Innate Immunity and Development in Plants Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades are rapidly activated upon plant recognition of invading pathogens. Here, we describe the use of virus-ind... H Jin,MJ Axtell,...
The soil organic carbon (SOC) pool is the key indicator of soil health and quality which in turn plays a vital role to soil sustainability. The continuous uses of unsustainable agricultural approaches have depleted most of the SOC pool of global agricult
Rapid production of nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been implicated in the regulation of innate immunity in plants. A potato calciu