Noise is an inherent property of biological communication systems. This chapter deals with the effect of noise in the bacterial communication mechanism with the help of weakly non-local hydrodynamics and viscosity. The theoretical framework is based on the relationship among the living fluid, non-...
Public sentiment towards the police is a matter of great interest in the United States, as reports on police misconduct are increasingly being published in mass and social media. Here, we test how the public’s perception of the police can be majorly sha
Of course, a common source of noise in captive studies is from visitors, keepers, and maintenance workers. If at all possible, it is best to conduct research before or after humans are near the study location (i.e., before or after the zoo is open). If possible, operation of air ...
Since Haudricourt’s (1954) ground-breaking proposal of tonal development in Vietnamese, we have made considerable progress toward a theory of tonogenesis. It is generally accepted that tone enters a system through a process of lost codas creating a contour tone on the preceding vowel. Tone sp...
If you find you have too much earwax, use a few drops of earwax remover in the canal. After a few minutes, wash the ear with warm water. ◆Avoid noisy places. Rock concerts and construction sites are just a few places that frequently have noise levels that can hurt hearing. Any place...
In addition, the hippocampus (and neighboring structures) may be functionally connected to cortical language areas during language comprehension as well as during resting conditions (Binder et al., 1999; Blank et al., 2016). One interpretation of this evidence is that verbal communication bears on...
Communication is the act of providing information. It is a two-way process where thoughts, ideas, feelings and information are exchanged. In order for there to be communication between two parties, there must be a medium or means with which to provide it
Our granulation ecosystem has many advantages in that key process parameters, including dissolved oxygen concentrations, pH, temperature, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, as well as the conversion of the floccular biomass into dense, highly structured granules can be precisely con- trolled...
33. The dual-process model of decision-making postulates that decisions are the result of two different processes: intuition and reflection34,35,36,37. Intuition tends to be relatively automatic, fast, effortless, and emotional, while reflection tends to be a slower, more deliberative, controlled...
Public sentiment towards the police is a matter of great interest in the United States, as reports on police misconduct are increasingly being published in mass and social media. Here, we test how the public’s perception of the police can be majorly sha