Judiciary, branch of government whose task is the authoritative adjudication of controversies over the application of laws in specific situations. Conflicts brought before the judiciary are embodied in cases involving litigants, who may be individuals, g
Expanding Horizon of Right to Life under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution: Role of JudiciaryNeeru ChopraJETIR(www.jetir.org)
Another key means to limit the freedom of workers was denying departing workers their wages for the part of the contract they had completed. This "underscored the judiciary’s tendency to articulate their approval" of the hierarchical master/servant relationship in terms of its "social utility: It...
This is despite the fact that property rights in China were not formally recognized until 2004 and legal independence of the judiciary has been poor (New York Times, 2005). There is a lack of legal infrastructure, shaky intellectual property rights (IPR), and weak contract enforcement (Cao, ...
EU law as it stands fails to provide same-sex couples legal certainty as regards their right of free movement under the EU Treaties. This chapter analyses in detail the situation in which a Member State refuses entry and residence to the same-sex spouse
two women fighting over a many should be tried in a local court, it would seem to have no bearing on the US constitution, but in the style of hitler's Nazis, the Obama administration has decided to make it a vehicle for stripping the elected houses of concress of their lawmaking powers...
An illegal alien accused of sexually assaulting and murdering an 11-year-old girl was freed into the interior of the United States by the Biden-Harris administration just months before allegedly committing the heinous crime, a new report from the House Judiciary Committee confirms...
W HAT's in a name? An invitation to attend an address entitled" The Changing Role of the Federal Judiciary" has all of the pulse-throbbing excitement of an invitation to a lecture on Brazilian corn hybridizing to one who is not a South American farmer. If the title were"Hufstedler, ...
It highlights and critiques the active role which judges have played, and could play in the future, in driving forward accessibility on the ground. In this respect, the article makes a valuable contribution to the literature on the role of the judiciary in India. We also draw attention to ...
in the post-Gaddafi era. The significance of this city also comes from its strategic location, which makes it the main target for the political actors that want to control Libya. Deriving from these points, this article analyzes the impact and threat of ISIS as the terrorist group in Sirte...