to establish effective partnerships between families and teachers, and between teachers and other school personnel and professionals, as a means of promoting successful inclusion; examine action research as a powerful means of problem-solving and promoting staff development, and of bringing about change....
Journal of Inclusive Education, 15(9), 975- 999.Lambe, J. (2011). Pre-service education and attitudes towards inclusion: The role of the teacher educator within a permeated teaching model. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 15(9): 975-99. doi: 10.1080/13603110903490705...
- Stress teachers' role in the resilience process of students with disabilities. - Draw on ecological system theory to frame the study. - Use both teacher data and student data in the analysis.AbstractThe literature well documents that teachers facilitate the resilience process of at-risk students...
role model- someone worthy of imitation; "every child needs a role model" model leader- a person who rules or guides or inspires others nonesuch,nonpareil,nonsuch,apotheosis,ideal,paragon,saint- model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal ...
Social inclusion and critical consciousness in Australia The second part of the book is focused on the language teacher and on this individual's development, occupational role, and academic activity within educational institutions. Marco Mezzadri. Il Quadro comune europeo a disposizione della classe: un...
According to the results of the physical activity habits test (inventory) we can conclude that students have experienced positive and statistically significant changes in their physical activity. The boys were considerably more active during classes where the teacher was present as a participant of ...
“Not at all desirable” to “Extremely desirable.” Personality characteristics that were judged as more desirable for a man than for a woman or more desirable for a woman than for a man qualified for inclusion in the masculinity and femininity scales, respectively. Of those eligible items, ...
Role-Playing as a Tool to Facilitate Learning, Self Reflection and Social Awareness in Teacher Education Meaningful learning in the tertiary sector benefits from the inclusion of a variety of teaching and learning techniques including active learning. Role-plays are one type of active and participatory...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook oc·cu·pa·tion·al role (ok'yū-pā'shŭn-ăl rōl) A set of behaviors connected to social norms that allows someone to organize and allocate time for self-care activities, work, play, social activities, leisure, and rest; examples include the roles ...
The changing role of a remedial teacher to support teacher : a case-study of a primary school in Pinetown Inclusion is not only about philosophy but more importantly about the practical changesthat must be brought about in order to help all learners in our school system to excel andunfold th...