Successive socio-economic shocks in the past three years have undermined Africa’s development gains, impeding the economic convergence of Africa and
2010. "Role of the IMF in the Global Financial Crisis." Cato Journal 30, no. 3 (Fall): 475-89.Xafa M. (2010), Role of the IMF in the global financial crisis, „Cato Journal", Vol. 30, No. 3 (Fall 2010).Xafa, M. (April 01, 2010) Role of the IMF in the global ...
ROLE OF THE IMF IN THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS. CATO Journal, 30(3), 475-489. Retrieved from 3bb98b51ca1f%40sessionmgr12&vid=11&hid=9Xafa M. (2010), Role of the IMF in the Global Financial Crisis...
Explains the proper role of the International Monetary Fund to help countries address financial crisis when they break. Criticism on the IMF for its failure to manage and deal with the 1997 financial crisis that crippled many economies in Asia and threaten the global financial system; Forecast on...
Available from: Role of Medium-Term Fiscal Frameworks for Transition Countries: The Case of Bulgaria”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade - Horvath, Székely - 2003 () Citation Context ...ication of policy decisions taken an a ...
in 2000s. Pressure from the trade unions in large shareholders, such as the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization (AFL–CIO),Footnote34also plays an influential role in pressing for the policy changes of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). ...
AIIB and BRI are a product of contemporary global financial system, but their mechanisms differ from the ones under IMF and other traditional institutions. The future of the current international monetary and financial system is still unclear. Despite the theoretical end of the global financial ...
Babajani Roodi Ma Student of International Law, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research of Kermanshah , Iran Abstract: The threat of recolonisation is haunting the third world.1 The process of globalizationhas had deleterious effect on the welfare of third world ...
iOx in rice‑husk‑derived anodes for Li‑ion batteries Yusuke Abe1, Masahiro Tomioka2, Mahmudul Kabir2 & Seiji Kumagai2* The present study investigated the role of SiOx in a rice-husk-derived C/SiOx anode on the rate and cycling performance of a Li-ion battery. ...
This chapter explores the fundamental role of banks in the financial system. It discusses the nature and functions of banks, their significance in the economy, and addresses why banks are essential entities. This chapter delves into contemporary challeng