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Role modeling of humanistic attitudes and behaviors by faculty is seen as the most influential teaching method for imparting humanism to learners in clinical settings American Board of Internal Medicine, Subcommittee on Humanistic Qualities Professionalism defines the physician. Medical ...
identified by students’ positive attitudes towards learning, the value of learning alternatives, and distinct sense of personality (Human-Vogel & Rabe,2015). Developing competent students is crucial for sustainable development in higher education in Yemen. However, there appears to be a lack of clar...
The main proposition of this paper is that psychological resources, particularly psychological capital, are necessary for prospecting graduates to prepare themselves for the arduous STWT task. This argument derives from the Social Cognitive Model of Career Self-Management (Lent and Brown2013). The Soci...
Look into the IELTS Reading Recent Actual Test 20 in 2017 with Answer Key and it has topic Bovids, Twin study: Two of a kind, The significant role of mother tongue language in education. Do upgrade your reading skills which can be useful for IELTS test.
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