Biochemistry The role of conserved small protein B amino acids in trans-translation STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT STONY BROOK DulebohnDaniel PatrickBacteria possess a unique salvage mechanism for rescuing ribosomes stalled on aberrant mRNAs. This salvage mechanism, termed -translation, is mediated ...
Role of sulfur amino acids in controlling nutrient metabolism and cell functions: implications for nutrition To assess the effect of feeding on glutamine kinetics, six healthy men received 4-h intravenous infusions of L-[2-15N]glutamine and L-[1-13C]leucine on 3 s... Tesseraud,S.,Coustard...
In an amino acid-rich environment TOR is active and regulates protein translation but also inhibits macroautophagy (hereafter referred to as autophagy). When extracellular amino acids are limiting, autophagy recycles intracellular constituents as a way to provide an alternative source of amino acids (...
mapping 64 three-letter codons to 20 amino acids and three stop codons, is highly conserved. This conservation has evolved to minimize the effects of genetic mutations and translational decoding errors, thus providing optimal robustness in the flow of the genetic information1. Moreover, the universa...
In this study, we investigated the roles of eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 a (eEF1A) in alkalinization-induced cell growth. In all cell lines tested (NIH3T3, HEK293, and HeLa), cell growth was affected by the modulation of intracellular pH. In general, weak intracellular alkali...
Identify the candidate genes that are likely to aid in explaining severe COVID-19 and provide insights to understand the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19. Methods In this article, we systematically reviewed genes related to viral susceptibility that were reported in human genetic studies (Case-report...
Intron function in the nonsense-mediated decay of beta-globin mRNA indications that pre-mRNA splicing in the nucleus can influence mRNA translation in the cytoplasm 热度: Attenuation of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay facilitates the response to chemotherapeutics 热度: The interaction of cytoplasmic ...
The complete ε region of CNV has also previously been found to be essential for formation of particles (Hui and Rochon, 2006), however the specific amino acids required for assembly were not determined. In the present study, we hypothesized that the basic aa sequences in the CNV CP arm ...
Nucleic Acids to Amino Acids: DNA Specifies Protein Reading the Genetic Code Simultaneous Gene Transcription and Translation in Bacteria Translation: DNA to mRNA to Protein Organization of Chromatin Chromatin Remodeling and DNase 1 Sensitivity Chromatin Remodeling in Eukaryotes Examining Histone Mo...
Peptides with a minimum length of 6 amino acids and up to two missed cleavages were included. Cysteine carbamidomethylation and methionine oxidation were specified as fixed and variable modifications, respectively. The acceptable FDR was set to 1% at the peptide, protein, and modification levels. ...