While most prior attention has focused on carbon and nitrogen cycling, the involvement of fungi in almost all other elemental cycles is emphasized. Of special significance are the mutualistic relationships with phototrophic organisms, lichens (algae, cyanobacteria) and mycorrhizas (plants). Some of ...
While most prior attention has focused on carbon and nitrogen cycling, the involvement of fungi in almost all other elemental cycles is emphasized. Of special significance are the mutualistic relationships with phototrophic organisms, lichens (algae, cyanobacteria) and mycorrhizas (plants). Some of ...
grasses, mosses and liverworts are the primary producers in temperate and tropical climates. In the Arctic, where plants are not as well equipped to survive, lichens – symbiotic organisms made up of photosynthesizing algae or cyanobacteria and fungus – are the primary producers. ...
T. 1. Vodorosli i griby: uchebnik dlya studentov vysshykh uchebnykh zavededii (Botany, vol. 1: Algae and Fungi: A Textbook for Students of Higher Educational Institutions), 4 vols., Moscow: Akademiya, 2006. Birger, T.I., Metabolizm vodnykh bespozvonochnykh v toksicheskoi srede...
Equisetin from Fusarium heterosporum, Phomasetin from Phoma sp., Integric acid from Xylaria sp., and Oxoglyantrypine, Norquinadoline A and Tryptoquivaline extracted from Clostridium sp. possessed antiviral activities against HIV. 4.3. Algae Table 4 shows antiviral attributes of algal metabolites ...
Multi resistant fungi are on the rise, and our arsenal compounds are limited to few choices in the market such as polyenes, pyrimidine analogs, azoles, allylamines, and echinocandins. Although each of these drugs featured a unique mechanism, antifungal r
DESERT ALGAE, LICHENS, AND FUNGI Lichens are a symbiotic association comprised of two unrelated organisms, a fungus and an alga; usually one type of alga (the phycobiont) combines with one type of fungus (the mycobiont). When fully integrated they form a new biological ... EI Fr...
photosynthesis. Types of fungi range from mushrooms to toadstools or mold to mildew, and they can even form symbiotic relationships, such as lichens, which are the combination of fungi and algae or cyanobacteria. Fungi reproduce by making spores, which are spread by water, wind and even animals...
This work aims discussing the contribution of environmental and technological factors in rock art painting preservation, based on a 3-year experimental program and two archaeological cases from Patagonia (South America). Concerning technological factors, microscopic information of experimental and archaeologica...
1.Algae Algae are a diverse group of eukaryotic, non-vascular thallophytes, autotrophic, chlorophyll-containing organisms capable of producing oxygen through photosynthesis. Fig: Different Examples of Algae 2.Bacteria Bacteria are very tiny single-cell microbes that can live in all environments on ear...