Li Zhangyu is truly a role model for young people. Hisunwavering(adj. 坚定的、不动摇的)spirit in the face of difficulties is inspiring. It tells young people that no matter how many setbacks and challenges they encounter...
2024年5月雅思口语新题part2&3:描述某人(名人)是年轻人的榜样 Describe someone (a famous person) that is a role model for young people You should say: Who he/she is How you knew him/her What he/she has done And explain why he/she can be a role model for young people 1. What kinds...
所属专辑:雅思口语新周刊 English Podcast 声音简介 今天聊聊王嘉尔 The person that I'd like to talk about is very famous I mean among young people and his name is Jackson Wong and Chinese name is王嘉尔 他歌单和舞蹈很nb his episodes and his dancing performances can be very very well known in...
所属专辑:雅思口语新周刊 English Podcast 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 不好说 Well it's very hard to say向偶像学习 they had to learn something one or two from the role model做自己 I mean everyone should be what they are and who they are you know可能年轻人需要职业规划的导师 My point is that yo...
3. What happens when young people lack good role models? 4. What standards of behaviour should teachers set? #雅思口语##泡芙教育##雅思口语一对一外教# Q. 1. Which types of people become role models in your society? Answer:Unfortunately, gone are those days when young people used to consid...
雅思口语|2023年5-8月新题part1 Kids need to see healthy relationships modeled to understand what they should be striving for in their own life’s relationships. Role models are an essential part of this process. A positive role model can be anyone who another person admires. They are often ...
英文释义:A person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be imitated by others, especially by younger people. 记忆技巧:role意为“角色”,model意为“模型;榜样”,组合起来就是“role model”,即“值得效仿的人;榜样”。 例句1:She has become a role model for young women in sports. 她已...
fathers, teachers and medical doctors as their role models. Nowadays,it ismostly movie stars and famous sportspersonswhobecome role models in my society. Some of us would evenargue thatanybody, with plenty of money, has a...
Peopleendupinhotelsforallkindsofreasons,dontthey? 确实如此 Thatistrue. 请原谅我这么问你是模特儿吗? Forgiveme.Ihavetoask,areyouamodel? 你的表情好像在说我夸张了 Ha!YourexpressionsaysIovershot. 但我向你保证这不是台词 ButIassureyou,itsnotaline. 你很漂亮而且你看起来很眼熟 Youreverybeautiful.Andyo...
offer prayres from their houses but he really took the courage to go out in theactual field to help. A role model is really someone who can do extraordinarythings like what he did , and I hope one day I can do somethingheroic like Henry LI and become a role model for other people....