ViewAdd BotUpvote DuckHunt 5 27.7K Multiple LanguagesLogging Ducks spawn on a Discord channel. Will you be able to kill them? ViewAdd BotUpvote OV 5 GamesFun Unique mafia-themed RPG bot. The most advanced bot you can ever find on Discord!!! Steal and collect up to 1000+ cars, beat ...
GoTopchanged the titlediscord的bot接收到的文本Feb 26, 2024 尝试缩短文本至2000以内的字符,超长文本下可能会出现GPT4对Json的理解不正确。 但如果仅仅是想单次对话翻译文本,建议配置以下环境变量: ALL_DIALOG_RECORD_ENABLE:0 配置后再尝试超长文本翻译,应该不会出现问题。
Language: All eibex / reaction-light Star 112 Code Issues Pull requests Easy to use reaction role Discord bot written in Python. python bot docker reaction discord discord-bot roles discord-server reactions role slash-commands self-hosting discordbot role-management roles-management discord-roles ...
徽章角色机器人迪斯科德一个根据用户的徽章向您的用户添加角色的机器人会在此处完成index.js文件的示例: const { Manager } = require ( 'discord-autorole-badges' ) , { Client } = require ( 'discord.js' ) , client = new Client ( ) ;client . login ( "ODI0MD
一个使用一组简单的关系规则清理不和谐角色的机器人 安装 先决条件 NodeJS 12或更高版本 Discord bot已经设置 手动安装 拉下这个回购 复制template.settings.json并将文件命名为production.settings.json : 例如: cp template.settings.json production.settings.json 复制template.rules.json并将文件命名为currentRules....
Discord offers multiple role icons such as Badge for “Manager”, crown for “Owner”, a user icon for “Employee” and different icons for Bot, Admin, and Manager.
Medieval Discord - Medieval Discord is a text-based medieval RPG in a Discord server. MD is the No.1 medieval role-playing discord server filled with custom commands and more.
Medieval Discord - Medieval Discord is a text-based medieval RPG in a Discord server. MD is the No.1 medieval role-playing discord server filled with custom commands and more.
Botulf, Graf von Ostfeld:Have you ever wanted to roleplay as a peasant in the middle ages who worked up and became a lord? Have you ever wanted to share your knowledge about the middle ages with other people? What about a place to hang out and talk? Then 20,...
Nightmare-Bot 2fort Team Fortress 2 roleplays go here, now thanks fer standin' still, wanker! Moderator:Dan 226Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:51 pm Guest Left 4 Dead GRABBIN' SOME PEELZ. Moderator:Dan 210Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:52 am Jandroy ...