5. Insert the rear board as shown in the illustration, placing the board • Do not use a power tool (e.g., an electric screwdriver) to assemble this instrument. Doing so may damage the screws. atop the dowels protruding from the pedal board. • Do not place the piano unit directly...
8B8 | glectric Guitar (Loop) 26 | Agogo Be9 | Clav (Loop) 27 | Claves , 90 | ,Cello 《Loop) 28 | Timbale High 9 | Violin (Loop) 29 | Timbale Low 92 | Electric Piano 一 1 (Loop) 30 | Cabasa 93 | Electric Piano 一 2 〈Loop) 94 | Harpsichord - (Loop) 95 | ...
罗兰品牌锤子电动钢琴新款A49 A800 A88MKII电子键盘钢琴家用初学者演奏测试等级电子钢琴罗兰电动钢琴88键重锤RP30罗兰电动钢琴F107等级88键重锤电子钢琴罗兰F 107钢琴HP702罗兰电动钢琴HP704 88级键重锤电子琴罗兰HP-704钢琴罗兰电动钢琴GP607等级88键重锤电子琴罗兰GP 607钢琴罗兰电动钢琴E-A7等级61键重锤电子琴罗兰EA7...
Owner’s Manual Congratulations on your choice of the Roland Digital Piano F-100. 201a Before using this unit, carefully read the sections entitled: “USING THE UNIT SAFELY” and “IMPORTANT NOTES” (p. 2; p. 4). These sections provide important information concerning the proper operation of...
1 0 29 131 Brass 1 3 0 62 195 Banjo 1 0 106 004 Piano 2 4 0 2 068 Funk Pop 1 1 132 Brass 2 2 1 196 Shamisen 1 0 107 005 Piano 2w 1 1 069 Funk Gt.2 2 2 133 Synth Brass1 2 0 63 197 Koto 2 0 108 006 Piano 3 1 0 3 070 Jazz Man 2 3 134 Pro Brass 2 1 ...