KC-150是65瓦4通道的键盘音箱,并具有辅助及麦克输入。KC-150也可以通过选购件进行低音的扩展。 技术支持 用户手册 支持文档 支持 如果您在使用Roland、BOSS、V-MODA产品遇到问题时请通过电话或者Email联系我们。 此外,我们为您提供了技术支持文档供您下载及参考,如果该产品提供支持文档,将在下面以列表显示。
Roland罗兰乐器KC-150四通道立体声键盘有源音箱OwnersManual用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 tej[=1aie KC-150 4-CH MIXING KEYBOARD AMPLIFIER Owners Manudal Thank you, and congratulations on your choice of the Roland Keyboard Amplifier KC-150. These sections Provide important information...
KC-150 支持文档 KC Amplifiers Catalog 2010 The "KC" prefix is synonymous with high-quality amplification—the world standard for keyboardists. 支持 返回 驱动及更新 用户手册 支持文档 售后服务 专家授权服务中心(SASC) 授权服务中心(ASC) 信息动态...
KC Amplifiers Catalog 2010 The "KC" prefix is synonymous with high-quality amplification—the world standard for keyboardists. Roland软件 最终用户许可协议 本协议为用户(包括自然人及法人)与逻兰(上海)电子有限公司(以下简称Roland)之间订立的协议。 请在下载或安装前认真阅读本协议。如果您不同意本协议条款,...
Keyboard Amplifier 停产 This full bandwidth, versatile amplifier integrates a 150-watt amplifier with a two-way speaker system and a four stereo input mixer. Designed for hi-fi sound quality and flat frequency response, the KC-500 is great for both keyboards and even small PA applications. Chan...
Roland罗兰乐器KC-110电池供电键盘音箱KCAmplifiersCatalog2010支持文档用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 Keyboard Amplifier KC Series Catalog 2010 STEREO KC SERIES lKC-880 lKC-110 KC SERIES lKC-550 lKC-350 lKC-150 lKC-60 The KC prefix is synonymous with high-quality amplification — the world...
KC-500Keyboard Amplifier Wedge-shaped 150W/4-channel stereo mixing amp with balanced outs. 详细资料 KD-80V-Kick™ Trigger (White) An 8" upright mesh kick drum trigger / pad for the V-Drums®. 详细资料 RP-2V-Practice Pad The world's first practice pad with tunable mesh drum head....
K-MAINS AC Adapter Charger Replacement for Roland KC-220 Battery Powered Stereo Keyboard Amp KC220 KONKIN BOO Compatible AC DC Adapter Replacement for Roland BR-1180CD EXR-7 EXR7 Interactive Arranger FR3S 12V 4A Add $1699current price $16.99KONKIN BOO Compatible AC DC Adapter Replacement for...
KC-150是65瓦4通道的键盘音箱,并具有辅助及麦克输入。 详细资料 KR-15M Digital Intelligent Mini-Grand Player Piano The KR-15M’s advanced automatic keyboard movement mechanism and built-in CD drive make it a remarkable player piano. 详细资料 CUBE 15 吉他音箱 有巨大音量的超值吉他小音箱 详细资...
DN160534521 GEBER RI76TD/ 720ED.4A25KF 1295521 FLND BN/HC 100 FDD 25 A 1.1 /- B7 STACROMAG 传感器 7009495 TRANSMITTER 循环水泵123 Y2-80M2-2BALDOR 电缆 CBL050SP-1270-3903-0034 DE X SCU 1/2 DE X SCU-1/2 LI 095933 KCB2B002B000000DXP131 115002 TK1-4131AB024SM8 EMG-2068 PMI 4...