Spacey tones for the JD-800 Model Expansion for ZENOLOGY and compatible ZEN-Core hardware by Huston Singletary. Read More Happy 606 Day! 6/6/2021 Test Drive the TR-606 Software Rhythm Composer for free all month long. Read More New Sample Packs Now Available in Roland Cloud Manager!
Roland JD-08 The Boutique series emulation of the classic JD-800, Roland's digital synth which brought back the controller laden front panel Currently 0 Stars. 1 2 3 4 5 0 comments total stars: 0 total votes: 0 Roland JX-08 The Boutique series emulation of the last ever Roland flagship...
想象一下,如果能够将JUPITER-8的经典音色、JUNO-60的清新打击声和JD-800的层叠效果完美融合,那将会创造出怎样的音乐奇迹?现在,RolandGALAXIAS让这一梦想成为现实。作为VST3插件,它不仅扩展了音乐创作的边界,还为音乐制作人带来了前所未有的便捷性。 更新亮点:VST3插件的全新体验 通过Roland云管理器(Roland Cloud Man...
In addition to the core JUNO models, though, it includes models based on the PCM-based XV-5080, acoustic pianos from the RD series, and a Vocoder. Model Expansions from Roland Cloud are supported as well, giving you the ability to load optional titles such as the JUPITER-8, JD-800, SH...
天象学FX包括一个独特的罗兰效应动物园,推动你的轨道进入未知的音速领域。从SP-404或著名的JD-800合成器的分层多效应中探索jfx活套和低保真效应。或者用切片机、滤波器、超光速驱动器,以及其他来自大量罗兰效果的选择来给你的声音上色。 几千个预置。
Use it strictly for that and stack the hell out of em and you have a very very useful machine for less than the cost of a new VST my friend. That is nothing to scoff at and if I remember correctly, they sound like NO vst, in a league of t...
Initial Clipper支持64位Windows和MacOS系统,插件格式为VST、VST3和AU。 免费下载:https:///product/initial-clipper-free-plugin/ 特价正版软件尽在鹦鹉咖音乐商城 水果FL studio 20进阶版899元,高级版1299元,完整版2899元; 练耳软件Earmaster pro 7169元; ...
想象一下,如果能够将JUPITER-8的经典音色、JUNO-60的清新打击声和JD-800的层叠效果完美融合,那将会创造出怎样的音乐奇迹?现在,RolandGALAXIAS让这一梦想成为现实。作为VST3插件,它不仅扩展了音乐创作的边界,还为音乐制作人带来了前所未有的便捷性。 更新亮点:VST3插件的全新体验 ...