自1972年起,Roland一直致力于创建沉浸式钢琴演奏体验,而全新发表的HP系列电钢琴正是Roland多年研发的成果。“将音乐厅演奏级三角钢琴的音色带回您的家中”是HP系列电钢琴的研发理念,您可以根据自己的家居风格选择琴体式样、颜色和扬声器系统。HP603的音源由Roland备受赞誉的SuperNATURAL Piano Modeling技术所支撑,其特别的...
HP603ADigital Piano數位鋼琴 搭載演奏型平台鋼琴聲音的優質家用鋼琴 自1972年起,Roland即致力於研發製作最頂尖的優質鋼琴,我們新的HP系列鋼琴是最精心完成的深厚力作。HP系列數位鋼琴的理想,是為了讓您在家中能享受演奏廳級平台鋼琴極致的聲音與演奏表現力,搭載精心打造的外型、顏色與喇叭系統。HP603A的音源搭載最新的Sup...
Roland DP603兼具時尚與內涵,它結合了極簡的外型,搭載重量級的技術,使它成為夢幻級樂器。這款最新的數位鋼琴搭載著Roland旗艦級 LX/HP機型的相同音源,您將能夠聆聽到SuperNATURAL Piano Modeling完美無瑕重現傳統平台鋼琴的飽滿聲響及動態反應。還有令人激賞的新PHA-50鍵盤,結合木料與模塑材質的優點,彈奏感如同傳統象牙材質...
HP702 Digital Piano 不妥協的出色鋼琴性能和風格 產品詳閱 DP603 Digital Piano數位鋼琴 完美詮釋現代居家空間精緻風格的薄型時尚數位鋼琴 產品詳閱 RP701 Digital Piano 具有傳統風格的直立式家用鋼琴,搭載 SuperNATURAL 鋼琴音源引擎、耳機 3D 環場效果,藍牙音訊/ MIDI 功能 產品詳閱 RP501R Digital Piano數...
HP-305拥有超真实技术(SuperNATURAL)的电钢琴 HP-307SuperNATURAL Piano HP-337Digital Piano HP-503数码钢琴 HP504电钢琴 HP-505数码钢琴 HP506电钢琴 HP-507数码钢琴 HP508电钢琴 HP-557RDigital Piano HP601电钢琴 HP603/HP603A电钢琴 HP605电钢琴 ...
Digital Piano 停產 首頁 首頁 LX-17 LX-17 特色 規格 影音 選購配件 下載 支援 Tweet Facebook Google+ 下載 更新&驅動程式 更新&驅動程式 HP603 / HP605 / LX-17 / LX-7 System Program Version 1.09 This system program updates your HP603 / HP605 / LX-17 / LX-7 to the latest version 1.09...
Subsequently, "page-turning" or connection to the Piano Partner 2 app might be impossible. If this happens, delete the pairing data on the iOS device. What you will need to update your HP603A HP603A USB Memory * The USB Memory need to be formatted on a HP603A. ...
Support for Piano Partner 2 was added. [Ver.1.07] Additional Function Selecting whether to turn off the power when the keyboard lid is closed is now possible. Please refer to the "HP605 HP603 Owner's Manual" or "LX-17 LX-7 Owner's Manual". ...
From there, the PHA-50 is available in theRoland DP603,Kiyolo KF-10(only available at select Roland dealers), theRoland HP704, and the entry model to the flagship LX series with theLX705. Lastly, the PHA-50 is also currently the action of choice for Roland’sGP-607and GP-609 digita...
Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan; President: Jun-ichi Miki), aimed at enabling all the digital pianos launched by Roland in fall of 2015 to provide support for Piascore pedal page turner, plus other products. This integration is primarily aimed at the models LX-17, LX-7, HP605, HP603 ...