HP-307SuperNATURAL Piano All the expressive power of the SuperNATURAL Piano sound engine, with the exciting digital performance features you’d expect from the flagship of the HP-Series. CB-61WKeyboard Bag Soft-shell carrying case specially designed for the AX-Synth, E-09, Prelude, and GW-8...
HP-2Digital Piano HP-203Digital Piano HP-207Digital Piano HP-3Digital Piano HP-302SuperNATURAL Piano HP-305拥有超真实技术(SuperNATURAL)的电钢琴 HP-307SuperNATURAL Piano HP-503数码钢琴 HP-505数码钢琴 HP-507数码钢琴 HP601电钢琴 HP-7Digital Piano ...
In other areas, there were some excellent additions to Roland's piano ranges, especially in the area of digital grand pianos. These had existed since the company had launched the HP7700 in 1992, but they had never been large sellers, perhaps because pianists who appreciate a nine-foot Böse...
e A M N E w w n n n e s i l s l C E N I c a l e f r g s s c o l l w s s : N i h h o N i g d t - f ) t t e c y e i e e R T R O D N r l u n t h t e t e a n a O G c i i s T t i a a y a h r k w t s r N...
Roland罗兰HP-73使用说明书.pdf,Owner’s Manual Thank you, and congratulations on your choice of the Roland Digital Piano HP-7/3. Main Features Piano sounds with rich resonance and wide-ranging expressiveness The stereo sampling piano sound generator reali
Roland罗兰KR-11使用说明书.pdf,r E N G L I KR-11 S H Owner’s Manual Thank you for purchasing the Roland KR-11 Digital ❏ GM (General MIDI) and GS compatible Intelligent Piano! • General MIDI System m E N So that you may enjoy reliable performance fo
Roland = =E 一三化 1MOBILE SYNTHESIZER WITH DIGI1TAL RECORDER Quick Guide 强 | :所 : 提 山山 Read this guide when youre ready to start using the JUNO-Gi, TheJUNO-Gi combines an excellent live performance Synthesizer with a digital recorder for creating Songs. This guideis divided into ...
(Touch Screen)151 Formatting the User Memory151 Automatically Starting the Quick Tour 152 Disabling Functions Other Than Piano Performance (Panel Lock) 152 15 g u n o i Y y Before You Start Playing a e l r P o t f r e a B t S Installing the Music Stand Connecting Pedals fig.00-...
Name des Herstellers/lmporteurs \ _/ Forthe USA 一 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE STATEMENT This equipment has been tested andfound to comply with the imils fora Class B digital device, pursuantto Part 15 of the FCC Ruies. These imits are designed to provide re...
Roland罗兰乐器SP-555 采样工作站Quick Start用户手册.pdf,Roland罗兰乐器SP-555采样工作站QuickStart用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册Before using this unit carefully read the sections entitled:USINGTHE UNIT SAFELY“and IMPORTANT NOTES“(Owner