Key Off Resonance離鍵共鳴 Cabinet Resonance琴體共鳴 Soundboard Type聲音響板類型 Damper Noise制音器噪聲 Single Note Tuning單音調音 Single Note Volume單音音量 Single Note Character單音聲音特色 輸出功率 25 W x 2 5 W x 2 音量等級(SPL) 107 dB (依據Roland技術標準法則所測量之數據。) ...
Roland FP-90X Digital The Roland FP90X is the brand new upgrade to the class-leading FP90. Built with the working professional in mind, the FP90X is an all-in-one portable piano that can confidently go toe-to-toe with any other comparable instrument on the market. With the class-leading...
KS-G8B 将FP-90面板接缝(底部面板靠近前 方的位置)对齐琴架橡胶垫的边缘 将FP-90的橡胶脚垫放 在琴架内部 俯视图 KS-18Z 调节琴架的宽度,使 将FP-90的前面 FP-90的橡胶脚垫跨放于 对齐琴架的 琴架。 前方 俯视图 KS-12 调节琴架的宽度,使 FP-90的橡胶脚垫能够塞 入专为橡胶脚垫设计的 孔洞。
CG-1,* CPF-107,* CPF-140,* DP603, F-140R, F107, F701, FP-10, FP-30, FP-30X, FP-60, FP-60X, FP-90, FP-90X, FRP-1,* FRP-2-ACR(FP-10-ACR),* FP-E50, GO:PIANO(GO-61P), GO:PIANO with Alexa Built-in(GO-61P-A), GO:PIANO88(GO-88P), GP-3, GP-6, GP-9...
PHA-50 appears in higher-end models such as the FP-90X, RD-2000, DP603, HP704, and LX5. Hybrid Grand is used only in Roland’s flagship models, including the LX-6, LX-9, and GP-9 digital grand piano Q: Why is pivot length important in a digital piano action? A: Pivot length...
CG-1,* CPF-107,* CPF-140,* DP603, F-140R, F107, F701, FP-10, FP-30, FP-30X, FP-60, FP-60X, FP-90, FP-90X, FRP-1,* FRP-2-ACR(FP-10-ACR),* FP-E50, GO:PIANO(GO-61P), GO:PIANO with Alexa Built-in(GO-61P-A), GO:PIANO88(GO-88P), GP-3, GP-6, GP-9...
Roland罗兰FP-90X80X使用说明书.pdf,Owner’s Manual Look What You Can Do with the FP-90X/FP-60X Play the Piano ˙Play various sounds page 8 This unit contains a wide variety of tones (sounds). You can freely select and perform using these tones. ˙Play two
、Changing Values pp 11 3a- Local Editing… 1 1,Patch Transfer 65 Pb, Ten Key Pad 13 a,Patch Transfer to the 3,Useful Functions for Editing …… 14 Memopry 人 Car 65 站 Cormpare 14 b., Patch Transfer to the Internal Pb Unadoe C,Copy……: 2,Copying 3 Reverb Type 68 旭 _ ...
Please example, [ENTER1 indicates the Enter button, and [ read thermm in the order that best suits your needs. indicates the ndumeric key 1 Chapier 1; Using the A-90 as a Stage Piano s CURSOR [者讶知 1 or ENCHIDEC] etc indicate that The 和-90EX, which is a Specialized A-90 ...
For high-end piano performance in a portable instrument, there’s no better choice than the Roland FP-90X. Like the rest of the FP-X series, it features a slim and stylish cabinet that’s easy to transShow MoreSpecs FP-90X 88-Key Digital Piano Specifications: Sound Gener...