digital piano would look good in your 21st century living room, you’ve never seen the F-90. Designed to occupy a minimal amount of space, this 88-note instrument can fit just about anywhere you want. And with its sleek lines and simulated maple finish, the F-90 is both modern and ...
*Piano Designer app限定搭配FP-90/FP-60使用。 Flexible setup 適合攜帶演出,也適合家庭使用 在攜帶式鋼琴領域之中,FP系列以簡約而精緻的造型,一樣適合居家使用。每一款機型搭配選購的原廠腳架和踏板,展現令人眼睛為之一亮,充滿現代感的外觀。其便攜式的琴體設計和內建喇叭,讓FP系列也是小型場地演出的理想樂器。
FP-90Digital Piano 音源 鋼琴聲音 鋼琴聲音: SuperNATURAL Piano Modeling 最大同時發聲數 鋼琴: 無限(使用"Concert Piano, Ballad Piano, Mellow Piano, 與 Bright Piano"音色獨奏時) 其他: 384 內建音色 鋼琴: 15種 E.Piano電鋼琴: 16種 弦樂: 11 種 ...
FP-90Digital Piano首頁 首頁 FP-90 FP-90特色 Experience 規格 影音 下載 支援 Tweet Facebook Google+ 支援 操作手冊 If you have questions about operating your Roland product, please check our Knowledge Base for answers to the most common questions. You can also contact our Product Support ...
DP-90Digital Piano DP-90SDigital Piano DT-1V-Drums电鼓教练 DUO-CAPTUREUSB Audio Interface DUO-CAPTURE EXUSB音频接口 DUO-CAPTURE mk2USB音频接口 E E-4人声效果器 E-50工作站 E-60Music Workstation E-80Music Workstation E-A7可扩展编曲键盘 ...
KPD-90踏板 FP-90及FP-60专用踏板 详细资料 KSC-72FP-60 电钢琴支架 FP-60 电钢琴专用支架 详细资料 KSC-70EFP-30X & FP-30 电钢琴支架&踏板 FP-30X & FP-30 电钢琴专用支架&踏板。黑色或白色可供选择。 详细资料 KSC-44FP-50 电钢琴支架 ...
Roland Digital Piano Driver Mac OS X 10.7 Roland软件 最终用户许可协议 本协议为用户(包括自然人及法人)与逻兰(上海)电子有限公司(以下简称Roland)之间订立的协议。 请在下载或安装前认真阅读本协议。如果您不同意本协议条款,请不要下载、安装或使用相关资料。如果您下载、安装或使用了相关资料,则视为您已同意本...
* During installation, the message "Roland Digital Piano Driver Ver.1.0.0 for OS X 10.9" is displayed, but the driver can be used without problem under OS X 10.10 / OS X 10.11. System requirements This driver has the following requirements. ...
The Roland KSC-90 Stand is a custom stand designed and made specifically for the very popular Roland FP-90 Digital Piano. The stand is available in both black and white finishes and transforms the FP90 into a very attractive and compact digital piano. The KSC-90 also has two ‘front legs...
DP-90Digital Piano DP-90SDigital Piano DT-1V-Drums电鼓教练 DUO-CAPTUREUSB Audio Interface DUO-CAPTURE EXUSB音频接口 DUO-CAPTURE mk2USB音频接口 E E-4人声效果器 E-50工作站 E-60Music Workstation E-80Music Workstation E-A7可扩展编曲键盘 ...