A Roland TD-9 module is only available on the second-hand market. You have to dig through eBay orreverbto get one. Its current price is about 250$ to 350$ depending on the condition and the software version. It has been replaced by the Roland TD-15, which is also not in production ...
I have one alongside my 909 and every time I go to put it on the eBay or Craigslist chopping block, I have second thoughts after I turn it on. In fact, the last live show that I did in November was pretty much all 707 sounds on the drums front. As for the circuit bending thing...
I bought one off ebay a couple of weeks ago, and after working with it for a while, I've come to realize it's a truly unique, incredible machine. I use the Motif ES, Prophet '08, JV-1080, and JX-10, and this module (I bought the D-550) is simply stunning. Liquidy-fluid yet...
finally arrived. The GR-700 launched just as the MIDI standard was being introduced, and musicians were entering a brave new world of electronic music where relatively inexpensive CPUs made possible instruments like theProphet 5,Simmonsdrums, and the GR-700, instruments unimaginable a decade earlier...