Software Synth 停产 Orchestral instruments come alive with rich ambient piano and stereo sampled string sounds in the new Edirol HQ-OR Software Synthesizer. The premium sounds in this synth are perfectly combined for lush soundtracks and beautiful classical arrangements. And its multiple output compatibl...
先说一下认识Roland的时候。初一喜欢瞎写歌,说白了就是用overture软件乱点,无意中下载了Roland的Edirol HQ Orchestral插件,什么音色都有,非常好听,也很简单好用,自带混响,大气磅礴,威武雄壮,气势恢宏(跑题了……)。Roland的名字便印在脑子里。2012年选电钢琴的时候一开始没有中意的,最后发现Roland也有电钢琴,外观...
Roland established Edirol in 1989 to create and sell Desktop Media Production (DTMP) products such as audio and video editors, but it wasn't until 1998 (which, incidentally, was the year that Edirol Europe was born) that many of its products travelled beyond Japanese shores. The V5 Video C...
不是的,Roland旗下的Edirol就开发软件,比如著名的HQ Orchestral VSTi插件。另外别忘了Roland已经和Cakewalk达成合作关系,Roland的触角已经伸向制作软件的Cakewalk,SP-606自带的控制软件就大有Cakewalk的软件风格(上图)。 ⑥Roland只出乐器产品吗? 当然不是,大型喷墨打印机也是Roland公司的一类产品(上图),虽然不如在电子...