CUBE-60XL BASS Bass Amplifier Compact 60-watt bass amp with 10-inch coaxial speaker, eight COSM amp models, effects, three-band EQ, phrase looper, and tuner. 產品詳閱 WAZA Amp Cabinet212 Guitar Amplifier Cabinet吉他擴大音箱 可選擇開放/封閉後背的212音箱,特別為表現Waza Amp Head終極搖滾音色而...
Roland 罗兰 CUBE 60XL BASS 电贝司 音箱 电贝斯价格 起批量 ¥2998.80 1件商品货号 7767225 物流 江苏 苏州市至 标准价 : ¥2998.80 支付方式 保障服务 订购数量 : 起售量 (件)标准价采购量是否有货 1 ¥2998.80 - + 有货总价 ¥2,998.80 ...
This amp was used widely amp type, gain, equalizer, and various eff ects) and call them up later. F by rock bands in the 1980s. Its wide range, clear On the CUBE-60XL BASS/CUBE-120XL BASS, this function is called attack, and other features make it a great amp for T.E “SOLO...
操作手冊 [繁體中文] CUBE-60XL BASS(CB-60XL)使用手冊 [8 Languages] CUBE-60XL BASS/CUBE-120XL BASS Owner's Manual支援 Top 系統升級 & 驅動程式 用戶操作手冊 支援文件 知識庫 支援新聞 產品註冊 經銷商名冊下載 Quick Links BOSS產品支援 Pro AV專業影音產品支援 GPL/LGPL...
罗兰RolandCUBE-60使用手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 人名服下 = 全全 重全可全要区人了信最民肝村 INSTRUCTIONS 履 PRoland Please resad this manual carefuliy for proper operation of this unit, PP 一加器一 FEATURES 甸 This portable, fuill range,two way speaker systemn fea- ...
新的120XL/60XL/20XL贝斯音箱得益于新一代XL系列的性能升级并且依旧简单便携。 CUBE BASS 20XL 为BASS手注入“XL”的力量 "欢迎CUBE音箱家族新成员—新一代的CUBE BASS XL系列音箱的加入!新的120XL/60XL/20XL贝斯音箱得益于新一代XL系列的性能升级并且依旧简单便携。他的脱颖而出得益于特殊的FFP和 COSM模拟...
Looking for a portable, professional bass amp that will bring down the house? Roland’s new CUBE-100 BASS amp is compact enough for home practice, but has enough power to drive bass lines through band rehearsals and live gigs thanks to its 100 watts of amplification. ...
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Roland CUBE 系列小型电吉他和大 bass 放大器说明书 Guitar and Bass Amplifiers
Micro Cube guitar amp. BOSS PRODUCTS BR1600CD digital recording studio. DB60 Dr Beat metronome. DR880 Dr Rhythm. FS6 dual footswitch. ME50B bass multi-effects. RC20XL phrase recorder. SYB5 bass synth. TU80 chromatic tuner and metronome. ...